Anonymous ID: 8e60da Aug. 10, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2548646   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exclusive–Eric Eggers: ‘Democrat Political Machine Built’ on ‘Reliance of Illegal Votes

In his new book Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, Government Accountability Institute (GAI) research director Eric Eggers details the Democrat Party’s reliance on illegal voting and their efforts to keep those vulnerabilities intact.

Here, Breitbart News sits down with Eggers to discuss voter fraud, how it goes ignored by the media and politicians, and the Democrats’ push for giving noncitizens the right to vote.

Anonymous ID: 8e60da Aug. 10, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.2548789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California $3 Trillion Dollars IN DEBT…so they set/ produce wild fires to apply for Federal Emergency Assistance. No Way should any be given to them or the rest of the taxpayers pay for their atrocious purposely destroying California and letting in illegals just for votes.


A foul odor permeated from a massive bag of human excrement sludge left on a street corner in San Francisco's Tenderloin district

"Twenty pounds of feces dumped onto sidewalk,"

#1 California: 136,826 Homeless, even beating New York


Socialist bad choices leaves California possibly 2.3 Trillion (estimated to be more like $3 Trillion, now) in DEBT…This is what happens when you vote in.


Democrats/Socialists/Liberals….and soon to come to your State if we don't vote them out!


California also is among the highest taxed states in the nation.  California has the highest income tax rates.

What is remarkable about the California income tax isn’t just that it has the highest rate, it is how little income it takes, just above $52,000, to qualify for California rate of 9.3%. Why would you want to live or bring a business to California with the highest taxes and regulations? Businesses and Residents are e are fleeing California in droves!  "California has the highest debt-to-income ratio in the country.”

“the state is run for the very rich, the very poor, and the public employees.” It is also how California found itself with the worst poverty problem and why “California ranks dead last among U.S. states in quality of life, according to a study by U.S. News.”


California: The Physical Collapse Of A Social State


Guess, Venezuela or California?