Anonymous ID: a00893 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.2548206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>8398

so inspired

so ty anon








language comprehension?


3rd image many


"iterations" from being a sphere


1st… all the things not in -2 + 2 both imaginary and planer but done through Euclid and Trig(persia, india)






Spiral of spheres arriving at a chain of spheres collapsing into a principle of infinity,


that principle, visual, of a chain of spheres, represented as a sphere, collapsing into one other principle containing all previous principles repeated (depending on how far back you go)


This is 1 'rate' of infinity identified as an energy signature; everyone

has one.


Not everyone

has understanding


sphere representation does not = truth

sphere representation = a truth, a possible way

honor dignity, and honor all ways


Keys Door


Comms mutually understood.


'By very nature all humans are 5D at a minimum'

Define Memory


You (a ) Welcome (h )


TY, hadnt played in a long time. God-speed.


Q, 420 federally legal, adds votes; it wont dismiss base, because base either wants it or is happy with what is already done.

Anonymous ID: a00893 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.2548398   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well, this is also



Wheres that prayer to St M when you need it? Even mischief is useful to God. God see all. Trust THE Plan.


Glad you were 'tuning-in' so to speak; review Charles Hinton's work{s} and the hypercube as its known today; the principle of dimensional increase through perpendicular means.


In life I learned you dont have to know everything, you have to know the actors; their motivations, and if theyre good or not.


hey man,

have a good day. Good to be with you; im going to work out and rest, body is important Too. @dont be hard on your self.
