Anonymous ID: ce1f77 Aug. 10, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.2548661   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sooo, this is the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've seen ALL week…

POTUS/Q sent a (DOJ) BOEING 757 (Same as flight 77, the one that allegedly hit the Pentagon) to Little Rock, Arkansas, which recovered BOXES & BOXES of evidence from .@ClintonFdn - With a Tail Number of N119NA - Which, when mirrored, is AN911N.


Tail Number -N119NA

"Think Mirror" -AN119N

AN[911]N -AN[]N with 9/11 in the []

On 8/8/18 8+8=16;18

Number between ^^ -17

BOEING 757-[[223]] -[[SKULL & CROSSBONES]]!!

Then this picture in the article that says "One step closer to ENCLOSURE" when ENCLOSURE being put up…

POTUS is taking down the Cabal, the once "UNTOUCHABLES" while using Symbolism/Numerology JUST as (((they))) do with EVERYTHING (((they))) do.

POTUS is doing this EXACTLY how it should be done - Using the Symbolism (((they))) are so obsessed with, and used on the 9/11 attacks against us, now AGAINST THEM!!

ALL while he very slowly burns them to the ground via their strongest weapon, the MSM.

There was no better man than POTUS to accomplish this takedown!!

At this point, anyone who is casting doubts about the legitimacyof Q/POTUS, you're obviously the enemy - It is now mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for ALL these 'coincidences'