Anonymous ID: cef804 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.2548233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344

>>2548058 previous

Yes…. because the Chinese are NOT coming to the United States.


It can't happen. It won't happen. Already in the Bible about a 200 million man army marching to Armadeggon.


You might ask what is Armadeggon being fought over? Russia is building grain reserves in Egypt that will soon be the largest grain reserves in the whole world. That was seen on here:


You also must ask yourself: Why does the United States have the navy of all navies and China has practically nothing nor do they have the skill or manpower to RUN the navy?


Maybe it has something to do with a blessing given to Abraham?

Anonymous ID: cef804 Aug. 10, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2548534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573


Kek….. you wouldn't be too far off in that assessment. I assumed you meant J o os for juice.


Remember that China is a very dark country. Censorship is rampant and the ruling government hates Christians. The United States is a very open country but alt-media here is being shut down right now and we have a POTUS who cares about us and about White Christians.


There is a gun behind every blade of grass here in the United States….. and we have generations of Patriots who have learned to fight fight fight…. as well as a military that is beyond pissed off right now.


It all boils down to the Blessing given to Abraham.

Anonymous ID: cef804 Aug. 10, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.2548766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well you remember all those cities in China that are empty?


They'll head over there before too long. [that WAS the plan…. doubt it'll happen now]


Those cities weren't built for nuffin.


Remember though…. we are dealing with the Synagogue of Satan and they are specifically mentioned in Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 as bowing down before your feet.


Now if a bunch of them are executed and the rest are carted off to China… I don't know for sure what will happen but the Bible does talk about peace peace peace in Israel for a number of years before Armageddon. If the 2nd Coming is around 2040 and the Tribulation is 7 yrs long that gives us about 10-15 years of peace in the land of Israel. Israel has NEVER had peace in it's whole history.


The 2nd Coming is on a Feast of Trumpets that falls on a Sabbath sometime around the year 2040, I'm not positive what year.


The significance of that is a Bible prophecy about a Silent Feast in the year of His return.


The other significance is….. the bible says no man knows the day or the hour of His return. But what is left unsaid is that we can know the MONTH and the YEAR. And… indeed we do. For the Feast of Trumpets cannot be declared until the moon is sighted. I can't research all this right now but you can look into it. Headed to bed.