Anonymous ID: 8528b9 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:40 p.m. No.2550460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0488 >>0510 >>0579 >>0580 >>0593 >>0609 >>0625 >>0636 >>0689 >>0710 >>0732


Backup baker here

Just lemme know what you want me to do baker, anons, BO. I can start baking anytime, but I also need to do a closer review of the day’s breads given all the habbenings. I can do that in the morning after baking tho.


Look guys, I’m not here to stir up drama for drama’s sake, but we need to be vigilant in defending our base from “internal disruption.” All of us. It starts with observing & gathering evidence. Look for insertion of subtle but potential slide topics that are especially counter to our culture, esp in notes. If you don’t think our culture is something the whitehats AND blackhats recognize as important enough to position assets around, you’re wrong. The slides of FMbaker/articlefag/self-doxxer which I called out earlier (with evidence, confirmed either by BO or FMbaker herself) were:

1) >100X spamming of “Q is really only just bakers posting as Q” articlefag (“Patrick”)

2) advocating mass self-doxxing, also spamming the hell out of it

3) femfagging, including posting male “baker girls,” and arguing WHILE IDEN AS BAKER with anons who called it out (sliiide)

4) posting pic of own tits and encouraging other anons to do same.

Nothing against bewbs, I argued FOR keeping them, but self-boobing is self-doxxing, and also discrediting as it makes us look more like Tindr then a camp of soldiers.

5) tag-team attacking a baker while baking. Bread 3009 was filled with it, and FM baker admitted to being one of the 3 doing it when presented with evidence, after lying about it the first time I asked.


While these ops were running, our morale tanked. During the week they were in abatement, morale improved. I baked fucking 9-12 hr shifts just to make up for the loss, until new and old bakers could step up. They were already starting to do that. But if we don’t call out this FMbaker subsersive and ask BO/BV to please put her on the “no thanks” list of bakers, those other bakers won’t step in to fill the void. This is all I’ll say on it tonight, so you guys can rest easy knowing if I’m baking, I’ll just bake. But YOU guys should investigate, and DEFEND YOUR BASE.

Anonymous ID: 8528b9 Aug. 10, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.2550643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0689 >>0772


We don't make unsauced claims here anon.

>bad judgement on Notables

Sauce plz?

Which was included/omitted that should not have been, and why?

>not listening to other anons about Notables

example? I'm very interactive with anons on notable selection

>Causing drama every single time

I bake all night almost every single night. You're gonna have to pull a lot of sauce to verify this claim

>Do everyone a favor and let others bake.


Well, I'm airing these issues to give "everyone" a chance to weigh in. Not sure you speak for "everyone." You certainly don't speak for this guy:




Not a shill. IP hash will show I'm who I say I am: the baker who has called out FMbaker before. Not saying current baker is FMbaker, just saying I believe she came back and am still investigating.

Anonymous ID: 8528b9 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.2550765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791 >>0820 >>0871

>>2550488, >>2550640

I see you've changed your mind about investigating, and I see that everyone that weighed in would prefer I not press the issue further. So I won't. I've promised b4 never to slide a bread with back-and-forth arguing, to limit any posts of this nature to 3 in a night, so this will be my 3rd and last. But I will continue watching and gathering evidence of fuckery, and I will never cuck on doing what's right and defending what I love by shedding light on the truth with reason and evidence. There are many anons who have voiced appreciation for that stance, and have encouraged me to hold the line. Know that I will.


Know this also: I'm no fungus. If you guys want to get together and lobby BO/BV to ask me to stop baking or posting because of my open stance on subversion, I encourage you to make your voice heard there too. I will honor it.



That is exactly what I'm trying to prevent