Anonymous ID: 92bea3 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:05 p.m. No.2550744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0825

The Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what the newspaper called a "dirty war against the free press."


As of Friday, Pritchard said about 70 outlets had committed to editorials so far, with the list expected to grow. The publications ranged from large metropolitan dailies, such as the Houston Chronicle, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Miami Herald and Denver Post, to small weekly papers with circulations as low as 4,000.


The newspaper's request was being promoted by industry groups such as the American Society of News Editors and regional groups like the New England Newspaper and Press Association. It suggested editorial boards take a common stand against Trump's words regardless of their politics, or whether they generally editorialized in support of or in opposition to the president's policies.


"Our words will differ. But at least we can agree that such attacks are alarming," the appeal said, acknowledging that newspapers were likely to take different approaches.