Anonymous ID: d7b191 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.2551088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I remember Alefantis was all on the war path against a guy who was creating Pizzagate T shirts. Calling the guy up personally and threatening him. It was odd. This was before we figured out he was a Rothschild. I remember Alefantis basically said everything about him was true except how he "hated" kids. Hated them.


And this was his only defense against butt fucking and killing kids. He wouldnt do it because he "hated" kids.


That Jew fag does not convince me. It is perfect for a guy to butt fuck kids if he "hates" them.


Jimmy boy if your out there still and not sitting in a cell in Cuba. Your going to have to work on a better defense than that.

Anonymous ID: d7b191 Aug. 10, 2018, 11:54 p.m. No.2551144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Probably a Mkultra kid. Sent on a mission.


About the chase pilot being nice to him reminds me of a woman two months ago sent to do a mkultra suicide spree killing in the CIA Headquarters. The guard at the metal detectors figured out she was acting odd. She couldnt talk. But he got her to write what was wrong down on a piece of paper. Seems the mkultra victims have a block put in their mind so they can not speak about the shit. But I guess they figured away around it by writing to each other.


I think a secret memo has gone out to the police and military to be on the look out for MKultra people trying to fight off their suicide missions.


Some pretty sharp guards out there.