Anonymous ID: f2fdda Aug. 10, 2018, 11 p.m. No.2550692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0707 >>0902

Daily mail has an updated story on the hijacked plane.


Airport employee HIJACKS an empty 76-seat commercial plane from Seattle Airport then crashes into a ball of flames on an island 25 miles away after being pursued by F-15 fighter jets

Horizon Air Q400 stolen from Seattle-Tacoma Airport by a suicidal mechanic who flew in loop-the-loops

F-15 fighters scrambled 'within minutes' and directed the plane from populated areas towards the coast

Plunged into a heavily wooded area on the sparsely-populated Ketron Island and was engulfed by flames

Police described the pilot as a 29-year-old mechanic who lived in Pierce County but did not name him

But extraordinary audio from the airport traffic control tower sees officials addressing the pilot as 'Rich'

'I'm not ready to bring it down yet,' Rich says, before joking about how he will have to do 'jail time for life'

Friday's incident caused travel chaos with planes stranded on the runway and dozens of flights disrupted

Anonymous ID: f2fdda Aug. 10, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.2550924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942 >>0971 >>0985

Are they planning a charlottesville number 2?


Seems totally fucking stupid to allow guns, but not bats.


EXCLUSIVE: ‘If someone turns up with a loaded AR-15 they will be allowed in': Authorities ban skateboards and bats from Charlottesville rally but GUNS are permitted as police descend on city a year after Unite the Right protest

Items including bats and sticks will be banned from Charlottesville this weekend

However, there is nothing to stop anyone bringing an actual gun to the city

‘Under Virginia law we cannot regulate firearms,’ a city spokesman said

Virginia city is approaching anniversary of last year’s deadly Unite the Right rally

Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when she was mowed down close to the park


No paintball guns, no skateboards, no bats, sticks or clubs. And don’t even think about bringing bear spray or flying a drone into the center of Charlottesville this weekend.


But while those items — and many more — are banned from the on-edge Virginia city as it marks the anniversary of last year’s deadly Unite the Right rally, there is nothing to stop anyone bringing in an actual gun, even an AR-15, the weapon of choice for mass killers throughout the United States.


‘Under Virginia law we cannot regulate firearms,’ city spokesman Brian Wheeler told


A handful of other cities in the state have that right, Wheeler said. Following last year’s violence, Charlottesville applied to be added to the list but was turned down.


‘It certainly does strike me as sensible, but it’s the law,’ he said.


Charlottesville city elders issued a list of items that will be banned from an 18-block area in the city center all weekend just as hundreds of state police officers descended on the university town, determined to prevent a repeat of last year’s violence.


‘Lengths of lumber or wood’ are among the items included on the banned list — without specifically saying how long a length is. ‘Metal beverage or food cans or containers’ are also forbidden, as are glass bottles.'


But the only mention of guns was ‘BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles or pistols, paintball guns and stun guns.’ There was no mention of the real thing.


AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, the type of weapon which was used to kill 58 people and in last year’s Las Vegas shooting, 49 revelers at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, 20 first-graders and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut in 2012 and 14 students and three faculty members at a high school in Parkland, Florida in February are not mentioned.


Handguns and rifles are equally nowhere to be found.


‘If someone turns up with a loaded AR-15 they will be allowed in,’ said Wheeler.



Sounds like they are planning a FF

Anonymous ID: f2fdda Aug. 10, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.2551016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1037 >>1062


What about the highest ranking PlaneFag? kek

Someday, after this is over, and if we have a party/ picnic for the anons.

I would like to have a contest between the planefFags,, maybe a paper airplane contest, and the winner will get these 2 books i have,


A prize, that would make any PlaneFag Drool, KEK

Anonymous ID: f2fdda Aug. 10, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.2551134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1137


On 3rd pic it says it is by Storie Hawkins, and it features Chucky Cheese,,


I think we did some digging on the chucky cheese pizza chain,, but it's been awhile.


And why is this art so cheap? 25 and 50 bucks


Something is wrong with that. Ive never seen any ooriginal art, for under 100,, unless it was a street artist.