So true. Some articles talk about being in touch with "Anonymous" and that they are mad at us for calling ourselves anons and usurping their name. I laughed so hard. What are they gonna do? Sue us? Sue Alcoholics Anonymous? How did they know they were talking to Anonymous? Were the "hackers" wearing their official Anonymous nametags? Anyone can call themselves members of Anonymous. Bragging about their big hack. What a lame ass joke. Would like to see some consequences for the lusers that doxxed Prayingmedic though.
We are here in this world to learn and be tested on what we learned. Our faith is tested as well. The evil in this world is the result of imperfect beings with free will. Evil is not a negative force as much as a lack of positive force like a shadow is not a thing but a lack of a thing (light). Entities that prefer the darkness only have as much power as we give them. All power comes from God. The Evil Ones must draw their power from us through our negative emotions and self will. Faith, love and other positive forces will protect us from them and protect us from ourselves. We are our own worst enemies. Only we, through our choices and actions, decide how close to God we get. Heaven is nearness to God and Hell is distance from God. Keep the Faith, do the right thing, trust in Him and obey the Golden Rule as best you can and you will fear nothing. Those who forgive the most receive His forgiveness the most. Not that I live up to all that but I try to.