>recorded human history has been heavily tampered with
true. agreed.
but, i say - "all technological advancement goes hand in hand" because it is provable that people use knowledge from field of science&tech in another all the time.
for example nano technology - people are using it from biology to geology.
so yeah, if they are advanced enough to travel light-years in closed-crafts that can simulate environmental conditions of their home planets, then yeah they probably have other high tech advancements in other fields as well that we can use.
assuming they are here to help us, they should already have helped us. but they haven't.
hence - they either don;'t exist, or they are not interested in helping us. they just like to observe humanity kill itself.
>if you desired aliens in general
ideally i would.
but only if they held democratic values like us. if they believed in "all men are created equal"
i would love to trade with them on equal terms. maybe share technological advancements and help each other advance further.
but again, only ideally.
realistically they're probably more than interested in decimating our race and taking over our planet for mining purposes.