Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2551351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396 >>1498 >>1513 >>1635 >>1757

>>2550765 lb

>this will be my 3rd and last

bc of below examples of other anons countering the "go away" anons, and since it's correct I made claims w/o including sauce, pics will show:

1) yes, my goncern re: FMbaker has been raised b4 and BO said my argument was valid, and EVERYONE on that thread BTFO'd this bitch while not saying a thing in condemnation of me

2) BO agreed w/ me and anons that femfagging is cancer

3) During bread 3035 (and b4/after) FMbaker admitted to being the femfagging, famewhoring baker of 3009. (I can provide moar caps later, but no time to dig up now if needing to bake, and it’s better for anons to review the whole breads tbh).

The specific post she admitted to making had a bright yellow bkgd and is included

3) There appears to be similar bkgd color on today's cap of Q post. Here:

>>2541362 lb

>>2541362 lb

>>2541362 lb

>>2541362 lb

>>2541362 lb

Not proof, just evidence which is simple/visual enough to make a final point for tonight. As I said, careful evidence gathering takes time. Composing argument/reading anons feedbax also takes time. (Also baking all night) Can't do it all at once.

4) Q mentioned INFILTRATION causing internal disruption. That doesn't mean FEtards, that means ppl positioning themselves IN POSITIONS OF INFLUENCE among our ranks. R-larp BV was already outed/removed as one of the infiltrators. And who did she un-ban and support? FMbaker


Thanks for the support anons. We just want our base comfy:

>>2550732 lb


>>2551095 (kek,THIS was a cap I failed to grab, so thanks)


Yes. Drama for drama's sake is bad. But so is contentment for contentment's sake. It's called CUCKING and it's what got us in this mess in the first place: "dont' worry goy, everything's fine, nothing to upset yourselves over, you don't wanna be the whistle blower/squeaky wheel that rocks the boat do ya?"

>>2550820 lb



>which kills nice board vibes

NOT opinions when sauced, and NOT "bitching" when offering specific complaints (subversive baker based on specific behaviors) with specific remedy (evidence-based call for denial of baking privileges). When presented that way it's called Law and Order. This is very different from the EMOTIONAL arguments you and your marxist C_A nigger friends levy, like "drama" and "asshole." And FUCK your "nice board vibes." This isn't fucking normie day care, it's a WAR ROOM of serious defenders of freedom and truth. Also, to whoever complained about my "writing a novel." Good arguments take reason, which takes WORDS, and I have to put LOTS of them together in one post if I'm to keep my promise of not sliding with back-and-forth bread-eating arguments. I try to be as concise as I can. Am truly sorry for the drama, wouldn’t do it if I didn’t believe, with good cause, that it’s in service of preventing even moar. TY

Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:37 a.m. No.2551432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1443 >>1572



Shouldn't surprise. I've made and kept this promise b4. Words are cheap, only actions count. I try to make my actions speak clearly and consistently so when I do have to use talk, it's backed by walk.



Yes. Also articlefag.

Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 12:44 a.m. No.2551481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1502


>am on the bench with you

TY, am only doing what I think is best for you guys based on what I see you advocating for/reee'ing against. If you all think you're better off w/o me, and I see that clearly communicated by moar than a few noise-makers, I'll leave gracefully

>No harm done if she keeps posting quality notables

That's an argument for another time (if she comes back). You guys need to look at this issue closely tho. C_Aniggers know notables are the eyes-on part of our operation, they try to subvert them every chance they get.

Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 1:04 a.m. No.2551571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Only here to say that some of your sauce is burnt.

Apologies, I did not intend to mislead w/bad sauce. I don't have access to hash info, so it takes me longer to figure out post-source/IDEN.

I did say earlier this particular piece of "evidence" was just something that caught my eye, among other proofs, one of which putting meditation instructions in notes, but that I hadn't had a chance to go in to confirm since I was needed to bake. In good faith, I have to put the priority in baking as long as the board relies on me to do it during my usual time.

Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 1:59 a.m. No.2551788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1794


Kek you mean this??? (pic related)

Did I miss a slide on this earlier?

How 'bout

All Good and Uncucked Edition



>you can thank me by taking the second set of red text out of the top

The top of where, the dough? Do you mean this?

>"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."

Is this a call to remove it entirely, or just change font to normal or bold?



Gotcha, kek. TY for the feedbax

Anonymous ID: 512735 Aug. 11, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.2551871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1883 >>1891


>was done in response/to pre-empt the Mocking-birds.

I know, but sometimes the "you protest too much" argument is as bad as ignoring the bait. I agree w/call to remove, but am only one anon among many. I like your idea even better:


Replace it with our language, not theirs. How about:


We support attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed arguments. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.