Jews gonna jew. Just a heads up. A foreskin removed beannie cap heads up but still you know what I mean.
I keep my prayers real simple. I ask to just to know the truth. To lead me to the truth of everything. Some amazing things fell into my lap a couple days later. Really amazing.
I think we are in a very energetic time right now. I think if your sincere and ask for things that are not selfish and for your own understanding that prayers are being answered left and right right now.
Personally have seen it in some major ways this last year.
Jews will do anything at all. So did they eat your sibling? Probably. They are here on Earth to fuck as much nice shit up as much as they can before their stuck in hell forever.
Who knows. I never felt at home here. Ever.
I watched some guy who died in Poland. He said he was Mkultra and had past lives. Said the Jews were trying to bring back lots of archtypes souls or gods from the past in reincarnation. Was doing some Polish Alien Con or something. Drank something and vomited black bile. Was working on a story about Micheal Aquino. Faggot Satanist kid fucker extraorinaire himself.
He said something to the crowd in his very fast talking real weird style. That we were all here before. That everyone in that room and everyone watching had been compelled to be there and we had been fighting to save Earth before. In Atlantis or some shit. We failed then but this time we were going to win. He said we were all here for this reason. That our souls had been fighting these sick bastards over and over.
Some reason I dont totally disbelieve it. As weird as it was it sounds cool to me. And it has stuck in my head for over a year now. Made me calmer and more dedicated in a weird way.
Was watching David talk about how he first realized "it" was all true.
Either David is a Oscar talented actor. Or shit is stranger than you imagine.
I am not sure the Jews are here to learn anything. Not sure they come with souls to begin with. I think they are here to fuck shit up and break stuff.
Did this back in December. Felt weird and tingly. I remember a guy told me you could call a UFO if you wanted. So I did. Went outside and looked up at the sky. It was cold and 3 am. In the sky was a object. Moving strange. Darting around like a dragon fly. Quick one way then quick another. It had a beautiful swirling blue light under it.
I thought about going to get my wife who was sleeping but I thought I would be pushing the patience of the aliens to have to meet the wife. KEK>