I ain't downloading shit
Show us how it works
>Tripcode: A6yxsPKia. -> Password: WeAReQ@Q
This caught my Eye
I saw this "WeAReQ@Q" posted earlier today when the attacks were happening about 12 noon PST 3 PM EST.
Very Strange if A6yxsPKia = WeAReQ@Q?
Lost in Space but have Angela Cartright
It is Funny to laugh at yourself; something the Left can't do.
Q needs to say something Profound and a Indisputable Unknown Fact that Floors everybody
Russia, Ukraine, Swedish, Dutch,English, Irish. German, Italian, Arabic. Iranian, you get it, get a FREE Pass to come to America.
We Will Protect You and No Passport needed.
Sorry Guys
Watch and Learn Weedhopper
At least tell me how those weird symbols make words
树木很可爱,树根和树枝。 如果木材厂,那将是一种耻辱。
The trees are very cute, the roots and branches. If the lumber mill, it would be a shame.
Agree I think the English language expresses its self the best.>>2551651
Fuck. You Caught me. Yes. I'm a Fallen Angel from 6000 years ago.
You Berry Berry Smart Anon
you need
Guidance my friend
I was kidding and know all about this subject
you don't understand