Anonymous ID: 43ed99 Aug. 11, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.2552493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2552

>>2552379 (pb)

Right they give the PROPAGANDISTS a "Prize" The fucking impostor traitor fake gets the Nobel Prize;

There's whole lists of examples of this going back many years "Time - Life" involved in JFK killing. "Award - winning photos" all staged and/ or culled, then planted.

Also look at the attention now to Jones - Hicks. He's real player, right? He backpedalled right away on Sandy Hook as he did on Pizza. He's a fucking compulsive liar. Can't wait 'til he goes down even harder.

He's puts out/ promotes the weak arguments/ That's also how it works. It's just arranged back stage..

People are so played.

Original "9/11 truth" funded by Adnan Kashoggi, the Arab arms dealer involved with "Iran-contra" in H.W. "Bush's" [Scherf] day. So think about it; how many tons of Propaganda has mixed into the record? How many fake messengers have been employed on that gig [$$$$] to block the places [no places left - too many of "them" and they are vicious; as Jones - Hicks has proved over and over] which should be held by real honest researchers?


per the scrabble message in "Rosemary's Baby"


She was like a professional tumbler or some shit. Never died.


Bullshit story.

Anonymous ID: 43ed99 Aug. 11, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.2552552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2588


Left out the text for the B. Olsen fraud my posting above

Per 9/11 :

Connects to recent Bogus Plane narrative.

People believe any shit.

Whidbey Isle area. What a coincidence.

>>2551228 (pb)

>>2549883 (pb)

Total BS. "I've played video games before"

and [the alleged insanity] came out of nowhere.



100% attempted ff

the transcript of message .. ? Really.

no Believe it

The C_A ALWAYS pulls these stupid narratives and stupid "notes left behind"

They don't know how to write plausible fiction and don't know how people actually speak / write

That's the giveaway.

Very dramatic Soap Opera, which doesn't "fly"

"Suicide note" ? The guy who supposedly shot up LV had one of those too. Easy to forge and plant

They always plant that to allay suspicion

Public believes it.

"How could conspiracy be so large?"

"How could we be fooled out whole lives?"

"That's too stupid. If it were real it would be known already"

"Too distressing. I'd rather not know" [subconscious motivation to protect ego]

Wonder where they planned to crash the plane before it was shot down?

CARTOON narrative.

as with "boxcutters"


Took over the planes with boxcutters. All 4 ?[according to Barbara Olsen per Ted's word - that is the one only source for that! Check out how his new wife resembles his old wife - was not the proper mourning period either.]

Desert Arabs flying commercial without ground contact - no training [and turned off transponder [?!]. They flew by sight looking out window at 500+ MPH? BS Legend.

Any pilot should know this is BS. Just as any engineer / archetect should know the destrution of the Towers does not fit the narrative provided.

This is also the nib? Without courage, how do you come clean now? You'd have to admit that you knew the whole time.

Watch them all come out of the woodwork

"I knew "Q" was true all along"

Maybe that's why this is being dragged out? To prove once and for all, who's with and who's 'gainst?

Anonymous ID: 43ed99 Aug. 11, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.2552588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is it my imagination or did the events of yesterday clean the board of an hellacious number of shill? Bread is flowing un-usually slow for a Sat. Morn; or any recent morning at this time?

Club of Men.

Pride of Lions.


"Unreason of Shills"

or is it "Treason of Shills"


"Vomit of shills" ?