Anonymous ID: 7307d7 Aug. 11, 2018, 5:55 a.m. No.2552740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>2552213 (all previous bread)


Discernment is the act of identifying something whether it be an attitude, or a course of action, or a predisposed prejudice while harboring NO PREFERENCE FOR THE OUTCOME OR SUBSEQUENTLY CREATED CIRCUMSTANCES.


Judgement is the act of HAVING A PREFERENCE for a given outcome and/or set of circumstances while determining the alternative to be less desirable due to internally held believes, experiences or attitudes.


These are two completely different concepts and stand apart as such. Used in their proper context these two words carry far from the same meaning.


Discernment is a requirement of any type of growth, whether it be spiritual, self preservation, mental or anything else.


Judgement is NOT a requirement to any type of such growth.

It has been taught, implied and given by many wise men that Judgement is not an attribute that one should assume, if one is on an enlightened path and seeking to evolve out of the darkness and into a more enlightened state.


Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammad (among others) have all subscribed to this premise over the eons of time.

Anonymous ID: 7307d7 Aug. 11, 2018, 6:05 a.m. No.2552801   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To a certain extent, there is some truth there.

However, that is not an all inclusive statement of fact that should afford those who would do harm any form of comfort whatsoever.

And yea, we like tits. KEK