Anonymous ID: aa2cf8 Aug. 11, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.2552941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2951

Florida anon here…wondering yet once again why we always seem to have such shitty candidates to vote for. I'm looking at my mail in ballot in disbelief.


One example: This Jamaican bitch, Carla Spalding, claims to be Republican and fair, but the more I look into her the more she sounds like a Democrat. Yet another over-emotional mofo with an ego and an attitude…and who hates white people. And this thing is presenting herself as an alternative to Debbie Wasserman. Carla's face, boobs, and ass are also packin' more implants than Botox Barbie. She's ridiculous!


Republican candidates like Carla are the reason why people like Debbie Wasserman keep getting relected down here.


End of rant.


