Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.2552819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly total BS.

They do these fake suicide all the time.

No one seems to ever question it.

Think the 7ft. chick who hung herself [so they say] from a patio doorknob.

Danny Cassaloro was also ruled suicide.

But you can't cut your wrists half-way through on both arms.

Ditto with two shots to the back of the head.

Gary Webb.

Even someone with the profile of suicide, if often not a suiide. Marilyn M.

Think of Anderson Cooper's "brother" "fell" off the balcony. Only Mom witnessed it.

If your child was going to commit suicide off a high ledge [with a fence] wouldn't you pull him back and struggle?

On and on

Coincidence with Whidbey Isle, is just too "pat"

>>2552552 (pb)

Wonder who they were trying to hit.

Think flt. 93 narrative? "Let it Roll"

Didn't Hanks star in that Propaganda "historical re-creation" movie?

That requires a lot more text to get into.

Wasn't "93" a favorite number of "Aleister" [Alexander] Crowley?

"It is common for Thelemites to greet each other with "93" in person as well as in the opening and closing of written correspondence. This custom derives from Aleister Crowley's guideline that Thelemites should greet each other with the Law of Thelema by saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." Since saying the entire Law can be cumbersome, using 93 has become a kind of shorthand."


Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.2552937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3405



right. "Adrenaline". And suicides? Aren't they supposed to be despondent.

It's a script. Learn.

The emotion gets in the way of the reasoning power when evaluating these situations.

~ "the children" "the drama"

That's why laymen autists are said to excel at analysis?

They have a limited toolbox and limited skill. They've gotten this far because of the power of broadcast Media. [Which nobody seems to question, so far.]

They haven't had to try harder since everyone has lapped up the lies.

Looka this, they put a hook in it, for racial division fagging.


And alleged depression inspiration for the men on this board - or so they imagine.

Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.2553020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3210



He's complimenting her.

She's a terrible dog unless she's made up

Shows you what a stylist can do.

Certainly her handlers paid for it.

They can't have her looking like such a ugly witch as she first appeared.

It was in Candid shots done by British tabloid.

The MEDIA control what people look like. The public falls for it. [More sympathetic to good-looking people]

And yes, you'd be surprised at what some of your "stars" really look like without make-up or stylists. It's all smoke and mirrors.

That's how they get people to hate Trump. Frame him as unattractive, when he is the opposite. All done with particular selection and promotion of images.

Trump calls his enemies nice names, sometimes. . Maybe they will fall for it an think they are frens? Maybe they did a deal, as we are told.

Otherwise, it's just a means of mis-direction / obfuscation

She's obviously not lovely

Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.2553181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


QFD ban. I got me one of those.

So they judge that I'm not worthy? Is that it?

Well, they don't live in the real world.

So …. they want me to feel my quality is poor.

Sounds like the entire site is CoIntelPro.

"In the real world, that would be impossible"

interview with Stanley Praimnath showing what people will believe if framed as "truth" by the Mass Media

Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.2553223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233


Liars. So desperate.

If they take your ability to refute them or to speak it's very bad.

I certainly don't believe this evil dude is really working for President Trump. I'd be happy [in a way] to be proved wrong; but for BM I'm tending toward. "No Deals" Some deep evil does not deserve a deal nor an escape. Convince me otherwise. He was put in as the fucking head of the FBI for 9/11. He deserves death penalty.

Happy to see the shills are much thinner around here after yesterday! Still here but not to the "eating up the bread" extent?

Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.2553293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3311


I don't believe the guy in the green shirt is Trump jr. Hair is grey at the ears. The guy with that fellow though "Secret Service" found in an old image of Hussain leaving Ted Kennedy's widows place a few days after Ted's untimely death? Check how he's glaring at the camera [after Ted endorsed Hussain Presidency] Ted didn't live to get his side of the bargain.

Could Mueller have been meeting with "Jack" who jacks up Twitter, surreptitiously at an airport?

Anonymous ID: bc2778 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.2553405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3463


>They have a limited toolbox and limited skill. They've gotten this far because of the power of broadcast

This was to refer to the Media Cabal, not to autists. Sorry for the lack of clarity/ awkward juxtaposition / poor phrasing.

Autists get farther with research because they aren't blocked by emotions? So the fake narratives that pull at heart-strings and emotions around "horror" "Spectacle" don't influence the logic or sightedness?

The disinfo artists use guilt to make us feel sorry for their [alleged] victims; as a shield against prying into the nitty-gritty of the logistics of their operations.

And then they will mis-direct from the real victims.

So if you are slow to emotional blackmail you will make a better researcher.



Looking again. "Lovely Lisa Page" was sarcastic. [looked closer at context]

And "Peter S." is probably because he doesn't want to be bothered to learn how to spell that jerk's name.