Anonymous ID: be6db1 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:58 a.m. No.2553481   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3486


This is a good time, early in your training, to become familiar with the common patterns. Every time you see a cluster of aircraft or choppers, check the map and find out where the military bases are in that state, then correlate. Soon you will know that Pensacola Naval Air Station and Fort Rucker, Dale, AL are always congested with aircraft during the daylight hours. This will quickly expand your knowledge base. Also look up what type of aircraft are flying and go to Wikipedia or someplace and read about that aircraft type. Some are "trainers", making the mission relatively obvious. Same around Colorado Springs Air Force Academy.

Welcome aboard, cadet!

Anonymous ID: be6db1 Aug. 11, 2018, 8 a.m. No.2553500   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2553402 For simplicity, I use 5% instead of 4-6%. The U.S. is what Q referred to IMO. Right now it's maybe 30%. But every single day they are walking away. The 5% figure seems totally reasonable for the # who will not be capable of embracing truth at any point. Too much skin in the game, too many years of braying for the bad guys, too awful an ending for them to contemplate… accept that one's entire life has been a fraud & fantasy.


These scenarios have likely been run ad nauseum on super computers. The 5% is legit.


It comes down to what will be done with these dangerous crazies when it is down to 5% and their side has been crushed. We can not push into the glorious future with this many angry nutbags on our flank. They MUST be dealt with. Have suggested several times that such be placed in menial jobs, supervised by sane folks. With a chance to get out of it every few months by passing an eclectic battery of tests, tests with results that can not be faked. Still crazy? Get your rear back out in the field.