Anonymous ID: c7903b Aug. 11, 2018, 6:50 a.m. No.2553031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3076 >>3144



I am going to be as CLEAR as possible to Q team and anyone listening in on these news and drops.

We, the people, DEMAND ELIMINATION and ANNIHILATION of these racially and religiously motivated shitskin third world muzzy scum in the course of these actions.


These SUBHUMANS, these pawns, these SCUM must be PUBLICLY hunted down and be shown to the world exactly WHAT HAPPPENS when any fucking subhuman filth dares to believe they can mess with our women and children.


They must be BROKEN, VIOLATED publicly, their racial and religious motivations destroyed and utterly crushed in a PUBLIC fashion to demonstrate to the world our RESOLVE and RIGHTFUL HATRED against their delusional ignorance.


Unless this comes to pass during the course of these events, these subhumans will NEVER change anything. Unless muzzies and publicly dragged out of their homes (domestic and foreign) to be completely EXTERMINATED and be VIOLATED with their racial and religious hatred fucked into a hundred million pieces, and expelled from the west, we CANNOT have EITHER SECURITY or PEACE.


While the DC changes continue to occur, these subhuman piece of shits are getting more and more emboldened due to apparent lack of 'street level' counter attacks.


We are well aware that (((globalists))) want the people to lash out publicly without organization or plan, a riot. However, there are scant options available for people who are continuously being victimized and harrassed by these subhuman SCUM that have NO PLACE in our nations, never mind on this earth.


No room for compromise. These rapists subhumans MUST BE CAUGHT AND BE MADE TO DISAPPEAR.


Q team, people are increasingly being driven to despair and death.


The enemy knows the flow and are ramping up the criminality with impunity with new crops (led by old) in europe and even US.


These racially, religiously motivated SUBHUMANS must be PUBLICLY destroyed and be held under our JACKBOOT.


When all this passes and nothing is done about these SCUM, we may well have not fought at all in the end, because the lowest denominator subhuman behavior governs our enemies. It MUST, without FAIL, be VIOLATED and ANNIHILATED from the face of our planet.


Their DEATH and AGONY is the only message these pawns will understand against their own motives. POWER to FORCE their necks down is our only option.


We are running on a timeframe that is ever shrinking, and people are done allowing these muslim and third world subhumans to exist anywhere in our societies. We cannot call ourselves human beings while we allow these insects to run loose. WE ARE NOT ALLOWING THEM TO LIVE AFTER WHAT THEY HAD DONE, and FUCK the 'compromise'.


Public MUST witness the tide shifting, and watch these fucks DESTROYED and DEFEATED. PUBLICLY. I hope these street level events are fully within your calculations. (((they))) are ramping it up even further with your 'apparent' lack of action.



Anonymous ID: c7903b Aug. 11, 2018, 7:07 a.m. No.2553130   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chi Haotian:


Typical PLA black hat candidate. Racial revanchism, hatred and projecting ignorance, and outright calls for invasion and racial warfare. Dead?

Anonymous ID: c7903b Aug. 11, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.2553202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because despite all the chink mouth and their ignorance, they are in reality not the biggest threat.


Same mentality that wrote that speech runs through indian, paki, muzzy heads.

Anonymous ID: c7903b Aug. 11, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2553385   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q team should know what is at stake. We are not sacrificing another single woman or children on the altar of these lies. Red line - our people and our children/women.


This MUST come to pass if this project is to be called a success, and FUCK what the (((globalist))) elements in the administration has to say to preserve their own subversive agenda.