Anonymous ID: c8b491 Aug. 11, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.2553412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3467

to the anon in #3219 writing the long drawn out LAW and ORDER post about FMbaker and shennigans…

you know, i have written quite a few posts, drawn a few clocks, did a couple decodes… the ones that dont get noticed, they sometimes come to fruition, im sure many anons get that _____ feeling when they get noticed, those occasions are pretty cool. more often then not, anon, you're gonna go unnoticed, its just the nature of the ether of things.


you're one gripe about a baker choosing notables, ya of course its fashy but is not your complaint stemming from your _____ feelings of not getting your sheit noticed?


if so, i feel ya, but this is (You)r journey buddy, and notables are cool but there is a reason famefagging and attentionfagging has name


yes, i do swallow my own foot and love me some notables in the morning whilst taking my spot on my porcelain throne or later on in the day after a long escape in the shire, but i sure as heck dont want this to be drudgereport..


quit complaining, save your salt for the true enemy