Anonymous ID: 0a5e73 Aug. 11, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.2556290   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>(((Laci Green)))

Ah, I remember when she was a chubby teenage camwhore who helped to infiltrate and destroy New Atheism, which I now see as a test-run for the large-scale cultural conflict that we're engaged in.

How times change, eh?

She also changed sides and jumped into bed with Chris Ray Gun shortly after the God Emperor ascended his throne, which made me very suspicius.

I'm slowly coming to suspect that MKUltra /Monarch victims are spread throughout the entertainment 'industry' at all levels and in all 'fields'.

Anyone else a little suspicious about what happened to Thunderfoot? From friendly scienctist to raging anti-feminist anti-Islam egomaniac (i.e. the perfect vehicle to discredit critical thinking from the inside) in the space of a few months? And I just remembered. His name is Phil MASON.