lulz milennials who haven't had a real girlfriend don't understand breasts.
No, really – sorry if I misread you anon. No harm, no foul.
lulz milennials who haven't had a real girlfriend don't understand breasts.
No, really – sorry if I misread you anon. No harm, no foul.
Again I say, very bizarre.
fucking cabal wannabes
I'd settle for watching him hang from a gallows in the DC public square.
Excaclty. Da Phug.
Pretty sure the ground tech is fake. Pretty sure the plane never flew. Pretty sure it's all fake news.
No idea why.
Well ok maybe I'm wrong but the whole thing is too weird to be true.
somebody ask bill maher what kamala harris and michael obama did to their hair.
I hope they banned Dodge Challengers, too.