Anonymous ID: 3bd6e5 June 20, 2019, 3:43 p.m. No.6801811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is why. Start back at episode 8. Sources are provided in broadcast outlines also linked on the archive page.


Episode #13 5-31-2019 The Mueller Report Part 6 Russia Hacking Hoax


In episode 9 we went over the Mueller investigation team and how it was stacked with a super-majority of democrats. People that weren't just registered as democrats, but also ones who typically donated to democrat campaigns. We went over ties that biased the investigation as well. We also pointed out how the FBI never had the chance to forensically review the DNC server/s and how Mueller's ties to Crowdstrike make them less credible because of clear conflict of interest relationships.


In episode 10 we went over Ukraine history to show that Russia and Ukraine are very different things. We showed the turmoil there throughout their history and struggle for independence from Poland, Lithuania, and Russia at different times in their history.


In episode 11 we explained how the Ukraine Maidan protests of 2014 played a factor in things as well. This was a time of Obama administration direct involvement in Ukraine, including US aid and Joe Biden's push and influence there. It was a time where NATO and those involved wanted Ukraine as another buffer zone to Russia, with attempts to pull Ukraine into the NATO fold. It's a time where the relationships were solidified that would later play a key factor in the “Russia Collusion” hoax narrative.


In episode 12, we went over ultra-national Ukrainian influence in both DNC and the Clinton campaign. The same ultra-nationalist Ukrainian-American involved with the DNC also had deep ties to Ukraine and the 2014 Maidan protests. Beyond that, the same person was essential in organizing many of the “resist Trump rallies” we experienced here in the USA, and many of the USA rallies concerning things happening in the Ukraine during 2014. We learned that there were many Ukrainian-American special interest groups pushing for Ukraine support. We pulled back the Russian veil to expose Ukraine, and we talked about two foreign nations having a direct interest in our 2016 elections; not just one as the “official narrative” suggests to you. Where one simply helped push the evidence of Clinton/Clinton Foundation corruption, the other fabricated outright lies to character assassinate President Trump.


This week, episode 13, we're going to blow away the Russia hacking illusion. Is it more likely that Russians hacked the DNC, or is it more likely that a Ukrainian-American, working FOR the DNC and the Clinton campaign, with a sister directly tied to “hacktivists”, were the true origins of the supposed DNC hacks? We already went over Alexandra Chalupa last week, an OUNb ultra-nationalist Ukrainian-American, but what we didn't focus on much was her sister Irena Chalupa, a known Ukrainian propagandist with access to “state sponsored actors (hacktivists)”.


That and much more is on topic for tonight's broadcast. If you truly want to understand the situation, this is a broadcast you might not want to miss.


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Broadcast Outline and Source Material - Episode 13


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