Anonymous ID: 48d27d POTUS Tweet May 12, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6479344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Read carefully Sleepy Joe: We know that your son was paid handsomely by the Chinese through an unprecedented and extremely lucrative deal following your visit to China. We know that the Chinese were allowed to "hack" into Hillary's $erver while she served as Secretary of State under Obama to obtain the identities of 24 C_A spies operating in their country who they summarily executed thus crippling our intelligence operations for many years. Was the money worth it Joe? Those phony presidential polls we keep see pushed on a daily basis by the FakeNews media everyday aren't going to keep you out of GITMO.

Anonymous ID: 48d27d HELP ME FIND ALYSSA JONES May 12, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.6479568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I know this is q research and everything Q related.I have been here since the beginning. Thanks to this research image albums have been discovered that lead directly to the people known as Robby and Alissa Parker


Who is Alyssa Jones? First google Emilie Parker's Sandy Hook pictures.


These pictures and videos are part of other image/video albums where the Parkers used them to create 'Emilie' and then deleted them, there are links to other albums that have been deleted but these others were missed.


"""If Q has ANY connections this will make world news when released."""


Go to youtube and READ what 'WishingWell' has said and in the comments