>The MIC preferred the SR71 Blackbird so this was scrapped.
Bullshit. 2 different aircraft for 2 entirely different purposes. The SR71 had no attack capability and was not built as a weapons platform. The Arrow was the most advanced fighter/Interceptor of its time and the yanks had no equal to it. Yes the MIC had a hand in it
s demise but the cost of the project to the Canadian taxpayers at that time was an astronomical 650 million dollars which was funded under a Liberal government. Canada was in a recession at the time and the incoming Conservative government ran on a platform of getting the nations finances under control and the Arrow program was the sacrificial lamb. And then there was Sputnik…Interestingly, and oh so Canadian, the Americans convinced the Canadian government that interceptors like the Arrow were going to be shortly obsolete and hat missile defence was the way to go so they sold the soon to be obsolete Bomark system to the Canadians for about 650 million and set up the DEW line and NORAD about the same time.