Just thinking out loud…
We're watching chess pieces moving around the board…
>Red October
Dickey B sub; supposedly scrapped in 90's, but still shows up in records years later.
Book/Film is about defector who gifts stolen tech to the US by faking its sinking.
@Snowden "stole" /our tech/ and gifted knowledge of it's existence to the world after "defecting" to Russia. Or so we're told.
>Iron Eagle
Julian Assange
M.I.A's song Paper Planes
Film is about a covert rescue mission of a POW/MIA.
Also of note regarding Iron Eagle;
Based on 1981 Gulf of Sidra Incident
Chappie's mission patch, as seen after he goes for practice in the flight simulator, depicts the all seeing eye / triangle symbolism.
Filmed with mainly Israeli planes because USAF has "policy about not cooperating on any film involving the theft of an aircraft."