ThankQ baker. You always make my nights complete.
All three events within 20 mile radius. All three events between December 2017 and yesterday (8 months). All three events very near to major Military complexes.
God! I hope not. This crap is way to close to home for me.
When Pres BO was in Seattle, 2 Oregon guard F15s got scrambled because a lite AC was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I think they made the 150 mile trip in around 10 to 15 minutes at super sonic speeds: Broke a lot of windows and scared a lot of people on the way up.
Non of these events are close to Seattle. Seems like someone is pissed off at Tacoma instead.
I kind of think that's a stretch good buddy.
Retired AFfag and I love your meme.
You might want to change that to "they're" sorry there good buddy.