On the section concerning Germany, I found the following.
First: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asset
and then, and this is IMPORTANT:
The big investment scam (An excerpt, translated with deepl.)
„All so-called states actually operate as company-like constructs. …
People serve this system as collateral, whose value is represented by the ability to create value. It is our labour force that is traded as value in the system and pledged for loans. This is exactly how states finance themselves. The people in Germany represent a certain collateral value through their labour force, which the administrative unit can lend for the trust area "Germany" with a precisely determined value in the collateral balance sheet.
Many collateral bearers (people) from the Third World countries leave their homeland and come to Europe. This reduces the collateral balance of the home countries by the corresponding value. If the "fugitive" collateral carrier is registered in Germany, i.e. posted as collateral of the trust administration, the balance sheet extension is called. This new collateral is valued, then converted into bonds and placed on the global market. Thus, the assets and liabilities side of the balance sheet of Germany increases. The real value of these "imported goods" is based on their ability and willingness to create value.
The balance sheet extension measures must be accurately documented under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a US federal law introduced in the wake of the 2002 accounting scandals by Worldcom and Enron, if the US capital market is to be used. Since government bonds are constantly traded in the USA, practically all "states" are also subject to this law.
Therefore, risk analyses must also be carried out in all countries. The balance sheets and the balance sheet totals must be transparent and verifiable in order to guarantee a proper valuation of the respective investment. This rule applies to all companies traded on the stock exchange. In principle, these are all companies in the world that call themselves states. However, there is one exception and that is called Germany.
As a result, bonds considered "clean" can be traded by Germany, which are backed by the manpower of the "new collateral". It is interesting in this context that Germany has meanwhile engaged the auditors of Ernest & Joung for accounting support in "refugee issues". It would certainly be exciting to find out what their exact mission is. …
The "clean" Germany bonds can now be acquired by other countries (e.g. France, Italy, Spain, etc.) as a supplement to the balance sheet and recorded legally in accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Actually, this is called investor fraud, because investors in these stocks are deceived about the actual value of the booked bonds. …"
souce: http: // deutschland-pranger.de/b2evolution/index.php/investmentschwindel-jpg
So we are dealing with a gigantic financial fraud.