Anonymous ID: ad35ea April 7, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.942235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've had scoops out of my ankle like that after a close encounter with a UFO and an ET on the ground. For those who think UFOs and ETs aren't real… they are. Whether you think they're demons or deep state programmed life forms or whatever… that's fine. But I've seen a triangle UFO, black, three red lights on ends and one white light in center, and a "grey" looking being with a huge head, myself. They weren't able to physically abduct me, but we had an interaction, I ran away, and next thing I knew I was in my bed and it was the next day.


had some scoops out of my ankles, head felt weird.


was April of 2007. I was 19. Good times.