Anonymous ID: 6074f3 Aug. 12, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.2568585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8727


do tell…deafanon here, so audio analysis is out the window for me…however, analysis by anons indicates no relative stressors in the tracks where they should be, such as G force of KNOWN air maneuvers not being present within the voice on the audio…..I'm intrigued how you believe RC is not "remotely" a possibility…kek….see what I did there ;)

Anonymous ID: 6074f3 Aug. 12, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.2568897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9036


the "implants" work just fine, still doesn't stop the fact I am profoundly deaf and carry with me the understanding my "hearing" isn't normal. The grieving family…have you seen actual video? Would like the sauce…otherwise, if you are relying upon a typed letter and a signature on a piece of paper to be indicative of "grieving" then you have issues. Logical anons at this point do NOT believe ANYTHING and consider facts from logic. From what I understand, even though you say there was no audio during the barrel roll (which I believe, as by now someone would have called you out on…..logic) I would be more focused on AFTER the barrel roll regarding audible changes due to stress asserted. Not directly attacking you, but to sit back and without any proof whatsoever say "NO RC WAS INVOLVED AND ONLY SMART ANONS KNOW THAT" kinda outs you as completely ignorant yourself. Accepting that you know nothing at all is the only way out of this mess anon. Elaboration is required to reach consensus, as consensus reached without elaboration is simply narrative acceptance.