Anonymous ID: 12ad51 Aug. 12, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.2569242   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lenin Updated: "Turn The Globalist War Into A Race War"


"First US President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and appears to make some progress towards his stated goal of putting ties between Washington and Moscow on a positive course. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Trump is a called a traitor. The “sanctions bill from hell” is introduced in the Senate. Trump is forced on the defensive.


Next Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky visits Moscow, where he meets with Putin and gives him a letter from Trump proposing moderate steps towards rapprochement. Paul also talks with Russian Senators and invites them to come to Washington to continue the dialogue. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Paul is called a traitor. The State Department “finds” the Russians guilty of the using illegal chemical weapons (CW) in the United Kingdom and imposes sanctions. Trump is forced even more on the defensive."


"That hatred gives “an inkling of the real reason why Western intellectuals like Lenin a lot more than Stalin,” writes Karlin. Indeed, in light of the Russian experience there is a chillingly familiar ring to today’s legitimatization of racial detestation of the American majority."


"Shifting to the US, it is increasingly obvious that what poses as antiracism and opposition to “hate” is little more than hostility to the identity and values of the core American ethnos: English-speaking Christians of European descent, including completely or partially assimilated descendants of immigrants. (In other countries this would be understood in specifically national terms – Russian, French, German, English, etc. – but for historical reasons too complex to summarize here, the core American demographic is generally seen in terms of race, not ethnicity. This stems in part from the absurd but widespread claim that the US not an ethnic state, only a civic one.) More and more this hostility is expressed as hatred of “whiteness” itself, in a manner that would be totally unacceptable applied to any other ethnic, racial, or religious group.


The current Exhibit A of such hatred is the controversy over a newly appointed member of the New York Times editorial board, Korean-born Sarah Jeong, whose expressions of anti-white bias were parodied by African-American conservative Candace Owens, only substituting “Jewish” and “black” for Jeong’s “white.” Unsurprisingly, Owens was suspended from Twitter while Jeong – who also trashes men and the police – is the beneficiary of full-throated support from the assembled forces of diversity, tolerance, and overall wonderfulness."


"As Anatoly Karlin notes (“The Real Lenin: Traitor, Parasite, Failure”) the horrendous destruction inflicted by the Bolsheviks was motivated in part by Lenin’s conscious hatred – perhaps not very different from Maher’s today – of Russians as the majority ethno-religious group, who had to be crushed to liberate the certified oppressed minorities.


That hatred gives “an inkling of the real reason why Western intellectuals like Lenin a lot more than Stalin,” writes Karlin. Indeed, in light of the Russian experience there is a chillingly familiar ring to today’s legitimatization of racial detestation of the American majority."


This is very pertinent. No room for compromise with these anti-white, anti western racially motivated scum.

For our ((cabal)) enemies, their chief (((pawns))) and their buddies (muzzies, what have you), the visceral hatred of racial motivation is their ONLY goal.

We elected Q team and Patriots to DC to DEFEND the west, not play koombaya with your enemies who try to take advantage under guise of 'unity'. Subversives, infiltrators with agenda.


This war is about OUR people and Patriots world wide who have risen up in RIGHTFUL anger and HATRED towards these subhuman scum. WE may live in peace with those who are different but decent - THEY are ALL about race. It's high time these scum are taught a lesson they will never live to regret - for the future sake of our children.

We the people elected Q team and Patriots to take the fight to the enemy and their pawns. I believe you are doing exactly this.


But window for 'compromise' with these scum is rapidly closing. Those who are with us have joined us. Those who did not, in the veins of (((shills))) and their uppity disgusting thinking they can 'use' Q team and Patriots (we know how they think, goy) are CLEAR.

Q team I hope you are taking all into account and know that people elected our people, Patriots, into office for ONE reason, and ONE reason only. There is no compromise to be had with (((scum))) and their pawns.

Anonymous ID: 12ad51 Aug. 12, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.2569348   🗄️.is 🔗kun



these jewish and middle eastern fucks are going to learn the hard way what real racial war means as they continue to try and subvert this admin and Patriots while encouraging their pawns on street level.


This disgusting state of affairs must end within trump administration. WE, the PEOPLE.