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Evangelical Pseudo-Christianity Being Used as Arm for Noahidism


Nov. 22, 2004

As the few enlightened and intelligent people left in this world continue to acknowledge the fact that legitimate Christianity has been hijacked by the "neocon" fanatical-Zionist-zealots, they are failing to make a connection between the pseudo-Christians and the incremental enforcement of the Noahide Laws.


Evangelical Pseudo-Christianity being used as arm for Noahidism

by: John O'Connor


As the few enlightened and intelligent people left in this world continue to acknowledge the fact that legitimate Christianity has been hijacked by the "neocon" fanatical-Zionist-zealots, they are failing to make a connection between the pseudo-Christians and the incremental enforcement of the Noahide Laws.


Many people failed to pay attention to the "Education Day" bill passed by George Bush Senior and Rabbi Mendel Schneerson in March of 1991. US Congress, HR 104 Public Law 102-14


Final Version:|TOM:/bss/d102query.html


"Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;


Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws"


The 7 Noahide Laws are a set of laws from the Jewish "holy" book, the Babylonian Talmud Bavli;


  1. Idolatry is forbidden. Man is commanded to believe in the One G-d (Jewish god) alone and worship only Him.


Rabbi Mendel Schneerson (Bush's Handler)


  1. Incestuous and adulterous relations are forbidden. Human beings are not sexual objects, nor is pleasure the ultimate goal of life.


  1. Murder is forbidden. The life of a human being, formed in G-d's image, is sacred.


  1. Cursing the name of G-d is forbidden. Besides honoring and respecting G-d, we learn from this precept that our speech must be sanctified, as that is the distinctive sign which separated man from the animals.


  1. Theft is forbidden. The world is not ours to do with as we please.


  1. Eating the flesh of a living animal is forbidden. This teaches us to be sensitive to cruelty to animals. (This was commanded to Noah for the first time along with the permission of eating meat. The rest were already given to Adam in the Garden of Eden.)


  1. Mankind is commanded to establish courts of justice and a just social order to enforce the first six laws and enact any other useful laws or customs.


Now of course, these laws are for the gentiles. Adherents of Judaism get a totally different set of laws.


"The Jews have the 613 commandments of the Torah to observe. Non-Jews have the Noahide commandments, included within which are prohibitions against idolatry, theft, murder, adultery and incest, cruelty to animals, blasphemy and the responsibility to establish and maintain courts of justice in a just society."


— Rabbi Boteach


Real Christians who stand firm in the testimony of Jesus Christ would be considered Noahide criminals under the 1st and 7th Noahide laws. Christians worship Jesus Christ, not the Jewish "god" and thus according to Sanhedrin law, are idolaters. Real Christians are against state sanctioned religion as does the 7th law call for and thus would fail to establish the "courts of justice."