Anonymous ID: f899ec Aug. 12, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2570282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm angry. My brother is a complete moron. HE just doesn't get it. He honestly can't see what's happening. Well, it took them a while to take down Nixon. It'll take them a while to take down Trump. I'm honestly just wanting to be right about all this…I've put my heart and soul into this. I hate feeling like an outkast. I know this is the truth. I told him how can you not want to think for yourself? You're literally just feeding me points from the MSM..


yeah, because it's thousands of people. That are doing their job. So I said yes, thousands, and you think that its unfathomable that most of them have an agenda to a higher power?


NO WAY! ugh…I need a break.

Anonymous ID: f899ec Aug. 12, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2570378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0404

Is New World Order COMING? Illuminati ‘goes PUBLIC with global elite website'

AS ONE of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, the Illuminati is alleged to be a secretive global elite which runs world governments from behind the scenes and is planning to introduce a New World Order (NWO) to control the globe through one sinister organisation.


But, now the legendary secret society has prompted fears the NWO may soon be upon us after it allegedly set up a public website which even encourages people to try to join up.


The Illuminati conspiracy theory claims a secretive global elite that runs governments from behind the scenes is slowly implementing the so-called NWO, that will culminate in a global leadership.


The theory varies in extremities from the above at the least, to the Illuminati being a highly Satanic cult that intends returning the devil to earth. claims the organisation actually exists and is actually behind this website, which it claims is to give normal people a better understanding of the secret society and why it operates.


The website, which suggests the Illuminati has its own press office and vice-president called Thaddeus Iam, also claims to dispel "negative myths" about it and suggests the society is actually a force for good.


An "about us" section on the website says: "The Illuminati is an elite organisation of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet.

Anonymous ID: f899ec Aug. 12, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2570541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0565

so I was just wondering right now..


since we had all those June 10th tweets go out in regards to the bad actors thinking Trump would be taken out with the missile.


Do you think its possible they had coordination with MSM operatives that would run stories of whatever they wanted to portray that happened?


DO you think Q has the logs of those conversations and OR articles they would have run that day if they had succeeded?

Anonymous ID: f899ec Aug. 12, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2570623   🗄️.is 🔗kun




For savvy media consumers, who have chosen to question the motives and veracity of the major media giants, the logical question is — why? Why would a supposed conspiracy theory promulgated by an anonymous party on 8chan suddenly become such a high priority for such notable news agencies all at the same time? This line of logic inevitably leads to the next question — which one of these two diametrically opposed narratives to believe? In the words of QAnon, “The choice to know will ultimately be yours.”



Absolutely love the last paragraph!