Anonymous ID: 23f76b Aug. 12, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.2572014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2048

i saw a few anons start down this path, but i can’t tell if it got any traction. this could be an unnecessary sidetrack, but thought i would throw it out here… you know, that whole coincidence thing.

in the recording from beebo he said something half way through that was kind of strange.

“dammit andrew, people's lives are at stake here”… and the atc said something like “now don’t say that”…

so a few anons must have searched beebo’s statement cause i saw the book title posted in some thread whenever. the book is the six year old hobo by david goodwin

when you search the exact phrase “dammit andrew, people's lives are at stake here” it brings you to page 72, where the parents of the boy are frantically trying to get on to a website to find the gps coordinates of their missing son…

the exchange is around trying to login to the website with a username and password and their difficulties… here is the general exchange:


on website that makes GPS watch (no name mentioned here)

username: FindZeke

password: 1031


they call the number on the website and get recording. woman calls them back and says the name of the company is Happy Blooming Lotus Company and is there to help them get logged in. she asks the following questions for verification:

date of birth? October 5, 1977

Favorite food? Lobsters

If you could be any animal which would it be? a dolphin

Which of your siblings was your parent’s favorite? Me, I’m an only child.

What was name of person you lost your virginity to? He doesn’t answer

she says one answer was incorrect… if you could be any animal, and you said dolphin

he says oh, right. i probably said golden eagle

she says close sir, you said bald eagle

she verifies identity

tells him to go to website

new username: LostZeke

new password: Son1031


there is no “Happy Blooming Lotus Company” online, but there is a Lotus electronics which has both GPS tracking devices and personal, commercial, and gov login sections… but that’s as far as i go… any one talk about this yet?