Anonymous ID: 319be8 Aug. 12, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.2571604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As if I wasn't creeped out about ever visiting tacky Orlando again, anyway.

Everything there is overpriced. More square miles of fake shit than Las Vegas.

The word "tacky" is the worst term of profanity I know, and anyone who grasps the full meaning knows what I'm talking about.

Orlando is TACKY.

Anonymous ID: 319be8 Aug. 12, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.2571813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you from California or something? Gawd.

The statistical probability of all these outlandish events actually occurring is the same as my ever setting foot on Neptune.


Anonymous ID: 319be8 Aug. 12, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.2572104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2212

Anybody post this earlier today? I'm thinking North Korea.

First time I've ever heard of "Zhao Wei", hmm.


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. Hedge


April 18, 2018


About a decade ago, an international criminal ring sourced a great deal of money to fund an investment. This investment has paid off spectacularly for them.


They found a remote corner of an impoverished Asian country, and set up a destination where ultra-wealthy clients could indulge in all sorts of illegal evil. The owners provide all of these things for their clients. They even gave the government a piece of the action.


Child prostitutes, check. Drugs of any kind, check. Other “goods”, which are in specific demand in that part of the world, are openly available in relatively large quantities. Pictures have even popped up very recently.


As a side to all of this, the group also trafficks in endangered animals including bears, tigers and elephants.


International Criminal ring: The Zhao Wei crime network

Investment: Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone

Destination: "Kings Romans Casino"

Endangered animals/"other goods" and harvested organs


Posted by ent lawyer at 9:45 AM

Anonymous ID: 319be8 Aug. 12, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.2572212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Digging a bit. Started with Kings Romans Casino, location is Laos.


This was tough to read :(


Spoiler: It's the Chinese.

Pic related: Kings Romans Group chairman Zhao Wei, centre left, in white shirt, with former Laotian President Choummaly Sayason, centre right, in a promotional brochure for the Kings Romans Casino


"Since signing a 99-year lease in 2007, Kings Romans says it has spent hundreds of millions of dollars transforming this remote corner of northern Laos into an oasis of hotels, shops, massage parlours and banquet halls, all dominated by the casino's colossal golden crown.


According to local press reports, Kings Romans plans to add shopping malls, industrial zones, and an international airport, all in the hope of boosting economic growth in this impoverished nation of seven million. But critics say the enclave - three times the size of Macau - has instead become a semi-lawless zone where gambling (the legal status of which is ambiguous as there is a ban on "forbidden gambling"), prostitution, and other illicit trades flourish."


Want some wine made out of endangered tiger bones to go with your prostitute and roulette? This is your place.


Nice guys:


"In a 2015 report, the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) described the zone as "a lawless playground" and a free-for-all "illegal wildlife supermarket".


The report described wildlife boutiques stocking items such as ivory and tiger skins, and a restaurant that sold tiger meat and Hu Gu Jiu - tiger-bone wine - from a liquor-filled tank holding a complete tiger skeleton."


Basically this is why the globalists are so anti-borders. It facilitates their money-grubbing. No borders = no law enforcement.


"Douglas said that semi-autonomous enclaves like the Special Economic Zone and Mong La in Myanmar remained "grey areas" for law enforcement. "They're so close to here, but so far away, so off the grid," he said.


Macky Sutthivong, the souvenir seller, said that despite many locals benefiting from the influx of tourist dollars, he is worried that his government's support is creating "a little China" on the Mekong. "They want to get more people from China," he said. "They want this area to be a Chinatown permanently."