The whole Trans movement is directly involved with the Cult.
Baphomet is a Hermaphrodite.
They want to normalize Trans culture and people because in their minds this is the perfect image of man.
In Baphomet's image not in God's.
Notice the boobs, yet masculine body….
This is a well known fact.
"His chief subject is the images which are called Baphomet … found in several museums and collections of antiquities, as in Weimar … and in the imperial cabinet in Vienna. These little images are of stone, partly hermaphrodites, having, generally, two heads or two faces, with a beard, but, in other respects, female figures, most of them accompanied by serpents, the sun and moon, and other strange emblems, and bearing many inscriptions, mostly in Arabic … The inscriptions he reduces almost all to Mete[, which] … is, according to him, not the Μητις of the Greeks, but the Sophia, Achamot Prunikos of the Ophites, which was represented half man, half woman, as the symbol of wisdom, unnatural voluptuousness and the principle of sensuality … He asserts that those small figures are such as the Templars, according to the statement of a witness, carried with them in their coffers. Baphomet signifies Βαφη Μητεος, baptism of Metis, baptism of fire,[41] or the Gnostic baptism, an enlightening of the mind, which, however, was interpreted by the Ophites, in an obscene sense, as fleshly union … the fundamental assertion, that those idols and cups came from the Templars, has been considered as unfounded, especially as the images known to have existed among the Templars seem rather to be images of saints."
"So who is Baphomet?
Baphomet is the phallic god Pan, the ancient hermaphrodite god of nature, the divine substance (prima material) from which the universe and all life evolved:
"The fundamental doctrine of magic is phallicism. New life is created by the act of generation: therefore the life force is generated by the sexual forces, the union of male and female elements. As represented by the two opposing equilateral triangles…" "The phallic God is therefore hermaphroditic or bi-sexual. The sexual organs are considered sacred, while the rites and rituals are designed to liberate the passions and the natural instincts from the control of reason. The novice must denounce as fraud the existence of a moral order, together with that of its creator. This is the exact reverse of what the Bible stands for." "The creation of the universe is the work of the hermaphrodite god. The universe was not created but procreated or engendered by him in successive stages. The god himself is supposed to have been the original and unique emanation of the divine substance of which all things are made. In this role the god is known as Pan, the first principle of nature. Thus man is placed on a par with his creator: both are divine and immortal; man therefore creates when he procreates." (Sects, Symbolism & the Mark of the Beast, Ray Novosel)
"In astrology, Pan is one aspect and is also equated with Satan and with life…in its base aspects." (Cirlot, J.E. "A Dictionary of Symbols," 1971)"