Anonymous ID: ff174f Aug. 12, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2572423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2551 >>2585

Another fairly balanced article about Q


Who Is Q? Mainstream Media Crashes The Party To Take Control Of The Narrative


The Facts:


According to mainstream media, Qanon is a 'pro-Trump, alt-right conspiracy theory.' An all-out mainstream media slurry shares this same perspective, regardless of its lack of truth.

Reflect On:


How can the mainstream media accurately report on something it inherently doesn't understand? Does mainstream media coverage of this show their lack of knowledge and understand on the subject?


Who is Q?


If you don’t have a clue, then you are one of the people that the mainstream media is targeting to make sure you get their narrative on the subject first.


But let’s be frank here. Our mainstream friends never wanted to cover the Q-Anon phenomena. Their idea was to not dignify the movement with any recognition, so as not to bring any more attention to it. But that was before Trump rallies across the country started showing a growing number of supporters sporting Q shirts and posters. The Deep State must have figured that not saying something would be more harmful to their grip on the steering wheel than saying something, clumsy as it may look for them to be suddenly weighing in on this matter en masse after being collectively silent for so long.


Nonetheless, they must have thought that if they blanket the airwaves and webwaves with the ‘alt-right Trump supporter conspiracy nut’ angle, they might be able to herd back a few sheep who might stray from the flock if they asked the question ‘Who is Q?’ to people who actually have done their research and had some informed opinions about it.


In Brief


The Facts:


According to mainstream media, Qanon is a 'pro-Trump, alt-right conspiracy theory.' An all-out mainstream media slurry shares this same perspective, regardless of its lack of truth.

Reflect On:


How can the mainstream media accurately report on something it inherently doesn't understand? Does mainstream media coverage of this show their lack of knowledge and understand on the subject?


Who is Q?


If you don’t have a clue, then you are one of the people that the mainstream media is targeting to make sure you get their narrative on the subject first.


But let’s be frank here. Our mainstream friends never wanted to cover the Q-Anon phenomena. Their idea was to not dignify the movement with any recognition, so as not to bring any more attention to it. But that was before Trump rallies across the country started showing a growing number of supporters sporting Q shirts and posters. The Deep State must have figured that not saying something would be more harmful to their grip on the steering wheel than saying something, clumsy as it may look for them to be suddenly weighing in on this matter en masse after being collectively silent for so long.


Nonetheless, they must have thought that if they blanket the airwaves and webwaves with the ‘alt-right Trump supporter conspiracy nut’ angle, they might be able to herd back a few sheep who might stray from the flock if they asked the question ‘Who is Q?’ to people who actually have done their research and had some informed opinions about it.

Mainstream Perception


Mainstream Media really glosses over the inception of Q-Anon and the reasons anyone paid any attention to it in the first place, but they usually do mention some of the most basic facts about the phenomena:


An anonymous user named ‘Q’ began posting in the 4chan internet forum entitled “Calm Before the Storm” last October 28th

Q claims to be a high-level government insider, or group of insiders, with Q clearance (a United States Department of Energy security clearance with access to classified information)

The messages Q posts consists mainly of short leading questions and bits of intel known as “bread crumbs”

Many Q followers identify themselves as “bakers” since they attempt to put together the “bread crumbs” into a coherent message

The main undercurrent of the messages is that Donald Trump is working with an alliance of political and military insiders to bring down the Deep State


Beyond these basic facts, mainstream media is holding a concerted front on this one point: we don’t know who Q is, but we think probably, likely, with 99.9% certainty, that it’s nonsense. It is ‘conspiracy theory,’ and we know all conspiracy theories are nonsense.

More here:

Anonymous ID: ff174f Aug. 12, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.2572587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 100 Newspapers Collude To Decry Trump's "Dirty War On The Free Press"


Yesterday, we noted The Boston Globe's 'call to action' for the nation's newspapers to collude to fight back against what they called Trump's "dirty war against the free press."


"We propose to publish an editorial on August 16 on the dangers of the administration's assault on the press and ask others to commit to publishing their own editorials on the same date," The Globe said in its pitch to fellow papers.

Today we see the results.


As of today, CNN reports that Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe's deputy editorial page editor, says "we have more than 100 publications signed up, and I expect that number to grow in the coming days."


The American Society of News Editors, the New England Newspaper and Press Association and other groups have helped her spread the word.


"The response has been overwhelming," Pritchard said. "We have some big newspapers, but the majority are from smaller markets, all enthusiastic about standing up to Trump's assault on journalism."


Instead of printing the exact same message, each publication will write its own editorial, Pritchard said. That was a key part of her pitch:


"The impact of Trump's assault on journalism looks different in Boise than it does in Boston," she wrote. "Our words will differ. But at least we can agree that such attacks are alarming."


Pritchard said she expects differing views from the editorials, "but the same sentiment: The importance of a free and independent press."

CNN proudly crows that the coordinated editorials may be another example of unity across the news business, or, as we noted previously, another example of supreme hypocrisy - as a 'free and independent' press being coerced to collude on the same story against their President.

Finally, the 'media' should be a little careful what they wish for, as Axios show below, the Trump news cycle is paying their bills handsomely.

The first half of 2018 has been extremely busy, as seen in Google News Lab's data on the googling trends of the public. It shows when and how much people searched about 30 of the biggest news events.