Anonymous ID: a23a38 Aug. 12, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.2574313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4386


So it seems to me Omarosa, according to Q's post, is duping the left into pushing and believing the most ridiculously dumb shit like POTUS fucking swallowed a note, etc.

I've always suspected this type of play coming from Right Side.

Part of The Plan?

Considering the left foams at anything, no matter what it is, they can use against POTUS.

POTUS is THE master troll.


And The Plan has been under construction for at least 5 to 7 years.

Keeping such an enemy in the dark is CRUCIAL.

Not just the media but ALL OF THEM.

Begs the question: is this what we've seen from Cohen? Possibly even Stormi Daniels?

Was a porn star paid that "hush money" not to keep quiet but to go all-in and degrade and degenerate the fucking crooked, fake, enemy-of-the-people media? Expose their blatant and sickening hypocrisy to further open the public's eyes?

Patriots, most of you know the enemy…

Is it too far to believe such things have been happening, planned?

Do you think POTUS would expose himself, his family and friends, children and grandchildren to such an enemy if he wasn't EXTREMELY well prepared?