Anonymous ID: b436ff Aug. 12, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.2574952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4976 >>5214



There are some here who take shit waaay to far before doing any type of research whatsoever.

They can't seem to be able to separate fact from fiction.

I'm not sure what Q's intentions were with your account, I honestly don't think they thought you would come here to defend yourself.

But right now you have a mixture of complete fucking morons who think that every single person who does things differently than them are child raping Devil Worshipers & shills who fan the flames.

I honestly don't know what to tell you though. Once these fucking lunatics get a hint(true or not) of evil shit, they won't let up.

Eventually it is going to turn into either you are a cia clown or they will find someone shady who looks like you & will merge your pictures & say you are not who you say you are but are (whatever shady person they think looks like you)…It's best to ignore. They eventually take their meds & go to sleep. Then tomorrow they will latch on to a different unsuspecting victim

Anonymous ID: b436ff Aug. 12, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.2575139   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trust me, they will find something else to chase by tomorrow. More so if Q drops in with a different mission. Hopefully they can see what's happening in here right now & will sway them to something else.

A lot of us are not like these crazies. We lurk & work on other things while this shit fills up thread after thread.

This should be used as a learning experience to all. About doing research 1st & finding out facts before accusing someone of such horrible things.

If I were you, I would stop posting here though. Just lurk if you wanted to see what's happening. But the more you reply, the more they will find to pick apart & spin.

Again, you are being attacked by the few gullible dolts who see Pedophiles in everyone they don't agree with & who believe EVERY SINGLE THING a stranger says IF it accuses someone. As you can see, they don't believe you. Hypocrites. The majority of the people here are not like that.

It's always the loudest ones. That's why it just seems like there are more than there actually is.

Anonymous ID: b436ff Aug. 12, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.2575251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269



One more thing (I just saw this post of yours)


The more & more I'm seeing right now, the more I think this is an attack on you by shills pretending to be a regular anon.

They are using the SAME EXACT technique as the shills do to discredit this board.

If you deleted your account, I guarantee there would be some story about how Q supporters ran some young kid off of Twitter by accusing him of horrible shit.

This is textbook shill tactic. (but there are the crazies who fall for it every fucking time)

Try to ignore them.

Eventually more real anons will tell them to fuck off too once the pattern is more visible.

Don't delete your account. Don't give in to anything they demand of you.