Anonymous ID: f7932f Aug. 12, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.2575981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6025


This information is for another anon. A website like Reddit, Voat, is a large source for "pizzagate" material used here and is a great way to figure out a lot more about the pizzagate phenomenon. This post discusses issues I've noticed during my stay there. I personally do a lot of lurking there (among plenty of other places) and try to stay informed to help anons here and to help other voat users understand what they're dealing with. This information will likely not be all that useful to most of you, but anon asked me to dump this for them so that they can do whatever the hell it is they're doing with it. If this is in the way, sorry. If there's a better place for us to do this, mention it and I'll run it by the other anon to see if they're okay with sharing info in the way you suggest. Thanks for taking the time to read.


"No Meta Discussion" issue - rule has since changed https://


All of them endorsed it in one way or another, and on abortionburger's last day (which they had been raving about on the front page for at least a week about it, all while I was sitting there thinking, "why all of the drama all of a sudden? this is odd…"), she flaired the post in question. Nothing had really stood out to me before this. But, the sudden increase of meta discussion on the front page, personalities involving themselves to seemingly stand out more, and general discord of the place really started to have me wonder.


"So I'm letting people know how to get around the rules." https:// (u/privatepizza was a mod at this time i think, but feel free to correct that)


https:// here i give a basic synopsis, but feel free to read through all of it. As I said before, this rule has since been changed and actually entirely removed.


AB leaving was pinned on the top of the site. WHY?!


"Prior to the influx of new people to voat, Crensch's account posted around 2-3 times per day. Since the recent importation of new people, Crensch's submissions take place maybe 4-5 times per hour. That's a huge spike in post trends. I wouldn't be surprised if this also conveniently lined up with past reddit user migrations." a comment i made once after observing Crensch's posting history spike when that deep fake migration was taking place (which was OBVIOUSLY coordinated)


https:// (doxing myself here, which was another reason i didn't want to post this, but oh well i guess)


"These things are of importance because it appears disingenuous in that Crensch appears to be submitting new evidence of Putt's diligence in promoting and enacting freedom of speech on his platform. At best, this shows Crensch is a lazy karma whore (which we knew anyway). At worst, this presents us with a detailed and coordinated system wherein users are recycling old material so as to confuse new users in such a way that instills a sort of submissive stance in the target, which in turn would likely help convince them the user is an authority, or who is respectable and well known. This is funny considering the thing the other day about his obsession with social currency (if you read the most recent link up there ^ i make a reference to "social currency" that you'll find, with another link which is what I'm talking about), which matters little in an environment like this.

So, let me rephrase: We can see that because of the timing, and the misleading time stamps within the post, Crensch appears to be manipulating new users in to creating an air of mystical wisdom and/or authority surrounding Crensch (or others he endorses). Also of note, Crensch's spike in posting trends is suspicious in that it's increased drastically since the latest influx of reddit refugees. This leads us to suspect Crensch may be guilty of something more nefarious, or just generally (at best) mischievous." another comment i made


hopefully this gives you something useful. next, i'll post a little of info on methods they use to manipulate the system and its users look for the next post under this id

Anonymous ID: f7932f Aug. 12, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.2576025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To start off - popular strategies in these environments deal with infiltration, garnering social approval, and sewing doubt. Not every time that we see these things utilized can we assume they are coordinated beyond useful pawns and other instances that don't require many resources. With that being said, however, negligence, malice, and feigned ignorance are popular markers of conspiratorial efforts.


Particular actions you might want to look for are as follows:


Ethos farming


When we see certain personalities (this isn't always so simple as normal people, and more often people that were already (through whatever means) in a position of power) repeat cyclical tasks so as to garner approval from expanded audiences, we can observe their push for approval, trust, or particular influenced reactions, and can realize this method is used to manipulate the audience and eventually change their beliefs. This method can likely be utilized to perform a cultural shift, which is touched on in a recent interview with Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie here https://




There are times when users (often of particular authority) mention other users in an argument, who tend not to have a dog in the fight, who have never been a known authority on the subject, and who tend to have ties in some way to the one mentioning them. This is an attempt to create an illusion wherein the target is made to think the users (both the mentioned and the user mentioning them) appear as an authority on the subject.




Here, we see users bring other personalities in to a disagreement, insist they act a certain way toward a given target, or echo certain narratives through other accounts. I'm sure you understand this one pretty well.


These are a few specific things to look for in this environment. But, you have to know the difference between someone planted there on purpose (tends to be difficult to tell), someone that doesn't know any better, and someone that is just yanking your chain. You'll be exposed to all sorts in places like these, and knowing how to tell the difference is in some cases pretty vital. However, this difference is best understood with experience.


Go read about Neural Linguistic Programming, and something called "anchors." This ( https:// ) is a good quick summary. Beware of these things, as they aren't solely activated by things like, touch, gestures, smells, or sounds - believe me on this one. This is important to understand from now on.

Anonymous ID: f7932f Aug. 12, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.2576140   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what's being said is not that this person running the account is a big name or that they're doing something so wrong

what's being said is that certain BIG NAMES are using the account to communicate

Anonymous ID: f7932f Aug. 12, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.2576282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you shit is public dude

just because a lot of people here found about you having the account first, doesn't at all mean that we're all the people making threats at you