Quick s8n Dig.
Aside the twatter fallen angel shill, @s8n comes up thru advanced searches by year(s) to sites of those listed below. Hopefully a good techfag can figure out the "why" behind the chart naming @s8n. @S8n gets a lot of hits related to the Agriculture Market Charts.
2009: (Advanced Search "@s8n"/2009) and so with each subsequent year.
Chart for @S8N
Agriculture - The Citizens National Bank
No @s8n in the sauce but only in the advanced search results: https://www.thecnb.com/Agriculture.aspx
2010: www.bumpinvestorservices.com/index.cfm
2011: www.strohfarmsupply.com/index.cfm and so on
2018: (Advanced Search site:www.bumpinvestorservices.com s8n) (Pic Related)