Anonymous ID: 28471f April 25, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1192513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, POTUS, Anons, Whitehats,


I am so grateful. You are saints, all of you, to stick with this plan as long as you have. And to keep loving the normies through all of it… I hope you get pride of place at the wedding feast of the lamb. You deserve it.


15 years ago, when I was still a big brain pharma-fag, I worked on a project as a DARPA contractor for bioterrorism countermeasures. The guy running the project was an old school whitehat, and told me this was coming, that there were serious bad-ass "good guys" in top brass in the military that "were you patriots like you, Anon! Incorruptible, only care about good v. evil!" He told me I would have a part to play, that I couldn't escape my destiny. I look back, and see that my destiny is this. This board, this fight, this awakening. This miracle.


That was the first time anyone called me a patriot, as such. It was certainly the first time anyone had acknowledged my good v. evil stance on life as anything other than something weak and shameful that needed to be hidden. I'm crying right now remembering it (sorry). When all this Q stuff started going down, with military white knights addressing us all as Patriots, I knew without a doubt: It was Happening.


Anyway, I guess what I'm saying, is I'm one of the early autists in this fight. I acted as Humble Anon in the project to protect the technology from blackhats trying to sabotage it, not much different than the autists here proved their mettle by chasing down that poor He Will Not Divide Us useful idiot's flag. I was asked to believe, and to safeguard info in the event we ever needed it. And I have.


When the project wrapped up and I had to move forward knowing pharma was as corrupt as it was, I became a teacher to help our young people see the importance of the good v. evil struggle, and to feed our budding autists the same way my project manager fed me. I taught them how pay-to-play really works in our govt and FDA/healthcare system, and that of course brought the co-intel gangstalkers down on me hard. Everything fell to pieces around me. My home state of CA got entirely subsumed by criminal aliens and marxist evil, I was sick as a dog from all the poisons on our air/water/food. I lost everything in the 2008 crash.


Everything except my faith in God. Somehow that got stronger. I started seeing the 11:11 all the time in 2011, and finished the red-pill process to the fullest darkest hardest to swallow evils, and now here I am. The manna from heaven that was POTUS's campaign and win were one thing, and then this comes. This Q thing. Are we really being freed from ALL OF IT?


I think we are. And you men are behind it. Yes, you are anointed by God, and given words/abilities beyond your human abilities to achieve this task. But you're still free-will individuals stepping up with courage and skill and awesomeness, and damn it, you deserve to be acknowledged for that. So please accept my admiration and praise and thanks, Q team.


Yes, WWG1WGA, and I do believe this is part of God's plan. The fact that it's happening in a field of "anons" is a thing of beauty. The literal "meek will inherit the earth" becoming an actual meme. We have seen, with growing disgust, that feeding the ego is THEM. It is the path of Satan. The Christian path is exemplified by Jesus: to be a humble carpenter who sacrifices his life his people.


I'm so honored to have been a part of this miracle. Because there's one more layer to my story: along the path, I discovered my family is connected to the evil satanic pedo elite. The final puzzle pieces and memories fell into place. To be raised up from the lowest victim, someone so broken she was 5150'd out of college and had to build back from MK-ULTRA breakdown madness, to the mightiest victor in the greatest of battles, and to know that ALL the children subjected to the same torture I was, will be saved and protected for all time… There are no words really. Just tears. And joy.


Those children you save will grow up. Just as God saved me and I grew up. And we will not be broken. We will be warriors, defenders of our nations and all that's good in this world.


I have a cousin that I think's still involved in trafficking. He's silicon valley tech elite, and I think the rendezvous points are the private cult wineries in Sonoma. I'm researching, compililng. I will share when the time seems right.


Never thought I'd live to see this day. I can't tell you how many times I fell into despair, but something kept me going. I'm so glad it did.


Godspeed, patriots. For God and Country.
