Anonymous ID: 3188b2 Restored Hope April 21, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.1132270   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fellow QAnons: Thank you for the opportunity to share my gratitude to our Dear President, the First Family, and all of you.

This movement has saved my life. The profound betrayal by our govt. has been nearly too much to endure; however, I'm now in the process of healing with the help of God, QAnon and our Great Awakening movement. I’ve been following and participating in the Q movement since December 2017.


I took an oath that never expires, and after serving our country in the Air Force for nearly 30 years and being betrayed by the “elites” in the U.S. government, I was close to self-destruction when I learned my service may have been in vain. The long deployments away from my family, being forced to receive Anthrax vaccinations, anti-nerve agent and malaria medications, being exposed to toxic burn pits, radiation, toxic oil field fires in the Middle East, the sacrifices my wife and son have made, the many moves across the world and country, the financial setbacks of losing home equity, etc., etc., etc. Everything I vowed and agreed to keep secret was sold to our enemies by greedy, corrupt politicians. The highest levels of the U.S. have been infiltrated by "elected" hacks who care less about our country and did everything in their power to divide and destroy America. My home state where I grew up was once known for its brawn, hard work, love for God, and patriotism for our country. After 30 years I came “home” to a state where people are offended by the smallest things, love for God and Patriotism are considered taboo, children are bulled in schools by refugees and immigrants, taxes are the third highest in the nation, our roads and bridges are literally falling apart, the liberal state “leadership” prefers to support those who bring nothing to the culture or economy of the state, and deny benefits to our veterans to have actually contributed to society.


I’m pissed off that my state would rather support the refugees from a country that shot down my friends’ H-60 Blackhawk helicopter then dragged their bodies through the streets of Mogadishu. My state provides free housing and financial benefits to people who want to rape, assault, and murder Americans…my state supports immigrants who want to burn down our universities…my state elects members to congress who are known to sexually assault women…my state elects people to office not because of their qualifications, but because of their popularity…my state allows closure of interstate highways to allow protesters to throw tantrums…my state news agencies block my social media posts as “spam” because I support conservatism…my state poisons our water with chemicals, poisons our air with chemical trails, and poisons our food with preservatives, pesticides, and herbicides. My state is not the state I grew up in, rather a place that is similar to the shit hole countries I was deployed to.


I’ve never given up on anything in my life and always tried to be the best I possibly can in everything I do. I love my family and country more than I love myself, which I consider to be a good trait. I’ve experienced more in my life than many can ever dream about, and blessed to have visited 18 countries and live in 6 states. I think I have a larger picture of our world than most, yet I’ve been lied to my entire life. I refuse to give up. There is hope…his name is Donald J. Trump. America is beyond grateful for him, and the world will be a better place because of him. The amount of responsibility bestowed upon President Trump is unfathomable. Together with President Trump’s leadership, we are fighting evil, corruption, mental illness, and other atrocities not compatible with our society or planet Earth. The only option we have is to defeat those who cannot or will not assimilate with American culture and contribute to our freedom, values, and way of life. That’s it, plain and simple. Failure is not an option.


I am honored to be a part of the rebirth of our nation. You all have saved my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


For God and country.


Fellow Patriot

Senior Master Sergeant (Ret), USAF



“All Gave Some, Some Gave All” "So that others may live"