2ANON ID: 3df301 April 13, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.1024372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to POTUS, Qanon, US military, decent/truly good people within intelligence community all anons on our team and patriots unaware of its existence. Back in Q3 2014 I thought our civilization was lost these societal Marxist traitors, I was really close to quitting this place. POTUS has pulled the impossible by winning election rigged against him in nearly every way possible. I have supported him from the first time I heard his speech in 2015- nearly everything he said made sense, he was honest and did not apologize to scum attacking him at every moment. I knew 2016 election was going to be rigged and no other GOP candidate would withstand what the rats had prepared. Donald Trump has chosen perfect strategy- ignoring the scum that would backstab him anyways and rather connecting directly with voter base, empowering, redpilling and giving voice to forgotten men and women in the United States. I did not agree with him on everything and at times had doubts, but never stopped supporting him. On Nov. 8th 2016, I was happy especially happy seeing the scum thinking they had monopoly on facts and one party degenerate system go into meltdown. They went after the POTUS with everything they had, so obviously as someone new in the politics he made few newcomers mistakes etc., but that is not the point. In late 2017 he started doing excellent job and top level moves- it triggered MSM to spread leftist conspiracy theory garbage in January. Despite all the attacks president continues with perfection and precision till today and he has accomplished so much, it is admirable and impressive. As far as Qanon is concerned the info is top end. Do not rely on interpretations too much as even within "alternative media" there are shills, fakers and dumb asses. (unless you question everything and believe nothing by default) Try to make sense of things yourself first and if you dont know, re read crumbs and approach 3rd party content with care- do your homework. To finish, I would like to express my special gratitude to Gen. Flynn- despite monetary and other blackmail many people like him face everyday he stood for his values and did not fear the Strozk rat "investigating" him. He pled guilty because he went according to military conduct code and withheld NatSec information from a known traitor to the country. I am not a newfag, I use nick I dont use anywhere and I know what happens after I die with 100% certainty ("Alice in Wonderland" is codename for hurting someone important to everyone and it will fortunately not happen, neither will 33-the number of the traitors to mankind-proof that I am not kidding to special access clr. individuals), so I do not give a fuck if those rats kill me whilst fighting for good case. I do not fear much, like a good soldier. I am adding picture for the lulz/cringe. Where we go one we go all.