Anonymous ID: 6430df POTUS & Q Team: we are millions, all around the world, waiting for the Clarion Call to War. April 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.901268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I pray every single day for Trump and all the Patriots that are fighting to free the entire world. I've been praying and doing my little part in spreading the word on all social media sites.


Please Q never forget that there are many people worldwide that can see what's been happening for a long time now.


Even though many of us are not Americans, we also stand with all of you in the fight against Evil.


God bless what the U.S.A stands for and the Principles the Founding Fathers gave to all Humankind.


Even though I'm from a far away country in South America, I'd gladly give my life in defense of President Trump and would fight alongside all the warriors that defend the Republic against enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC.


You're not alone in this fight Q, we are millions, all over the world. Please take care of POTUS and his family.


For God and Country (All Sovereign Republics/Nation States). For Freedom!!