Anonymous ID: 72fea7 April 6, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.921346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dearest Q Clearance Patriots, President D.J. Trump and all who work with you to set things back on the path that encourages life and love,

THANK YOU a million times over! I was born 50 years ago, today, and have seen some stuff. Life was mostly good and pure, but I learned about some raunchy stuff, too early. As a teen, I saw the opportunities of fun and freedom that my brother had, close down right before I got to it. Subtle airplane terror, "progress", increasing rules and laws rolled in and shut off what I had looked forward to. My friends and I saw it clearly. We didn't really like "The Winds of Change". I saw corruption during the few years that I worked.

Those changes caused my husband and I to homeschool, and make many other decisions based on redpills that cost time and money, and set us apart from our family and friends. My husband was TRYING to school his mom on FakeNews back in the 1970's, and owned "Tragedy and Hope" before 1986. We knew there were bad actors behind all this, and wanted them stopped, praying for years for a champion to work up a good plan.

Being different takes energy, and that sat badly with my untreated-for-4-years-Lyme disease. So I have lived a life of uphill battles, and being a wounded-soldier-mom, left behind the lines, with no one searching.

You can't imagine my mountainous relief that you all came along to do this great work! I thank our good, loving Father for sending you, and hope there are no more losses, if so, they will be highly honored heroes. My thankfulness cascades like a waterfall. I know my children will have much better lives because of you.


Thank you for saying, "Here am I, send me!"


May God's blessings on you be doubly and triply uncountable! In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen!