Anonymous ID: 7365d5 Letters of Gratitude Feb. 3, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.257792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0718 >>2959 >>8041 >>9864 >>0289 >>9516 >>1487 >>7699 >>5795 >>6700 >>0454 >>2075 >>7235 >>2634 >>3647 >>0734 >>0047 >>0141 >>1850 >>4679 >>0343 >>1694 >>3732 >>0624 >>3178 >>8080 >>2626 >>4403 >>4757 >>4441 >>6402 >>0870 >>5729 >>5929 >>1616

From: Anon

To: POTUS/Q/Anon



This thread was created to provide a focused place for those wishing to express their gratitude, kind words, and inspiring posts for POTUS/Q/Anon. Although we have not "won" the war and are still in the middle of it we have seen a great many things transpire for which we can be grateful. Kind words and appreciation go a long way, POTUS, Q, and even Anons are in the midst of a "house of horrors," those that know can never sleep. This can be an OASIS for all to inhale the incense of prayers of gratitude for what the servants of our God and Savior have delivered unto us.




Post positive messages of thanks and gratitude.

Stories about how you have gained hope

Stories about how you or other people have been awakened



Post anything about what you want POTUS or Q to do

DO NOT Post personally identifiable information or stories

Post anything but thanks and praise



  • Post about how you appreciate the hard work being done to secure our future

  • How the QAnon phenomenon has helped open your eyes and become a better citizen of our great nation

  • How much you appreciate Q/POTUS allowing and providing a means for you to participate

  • How much you appreciate the sacrifice POTUS his Civilian and Military personnel are making



Where we go one, we go all. No one is above another. You are part of this too, and we are all one team and there is no Bigger me than You. Write the post as if you are writing it to your brother or sister, heap praise but remember that TRUMP himself and the whole QAnon team are standing next to you should to shoulder brother in arms.


We are doing incredible things lets have this place to remember what we are doing it for!

Anonymous ID: 7365d5 Feb. 3, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.258936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3992 >>3241 >>3399

I felt and knew inside after about 2008 that the best years of the US were behind us. When I first saw TRUMP and heard he was running there was an undeniable spark of hope, I did not know how much but it was noteworthy and there was an aura about it, call it clairvoyance.


Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States, it was not a surprise to myself I knew it to be a divine appointment. It did not seem possible to me that a reversal of the US and gauged the number of years he could add to the life of the republic. We got so much more than we could have imagined.



The level of commitment of Donald Trump was far beyond anything I could imagine. He risked everything and everyone he loved by refusing to compromise our future. At first, I did not understand why he brought Family into the White House, now I understand completely. I cannot underscore properly the level of Love and Respect I have for the TRUMP family, their efforts are as great as any military hero or sacrifice throughout US history. Our Military is the greatest, they are imbued with limitations by design, if I had to define the perfect warrior to fill those limitations it would be TRUMP as POTUS.


Our Military

Patient, dedicated, capable, loyal, and the true definition of Patriot. Where TRUMP can now execute it was only possible due to DECADES of preparation and maneuvering by our finest Citizens. Their loyalty to US and the constitution holds this nation together. In our darkest hour, when the forces aligned against us were insurmountable, they laid down their lives to save us from our greatest enemy: ourselves. I hope there is a special place in Arlington we citizens can go and pay respects to those who gave their lives in this critical war.



Q worked with the people to bring us to the level of understanding and fitness worthy of accepting this divine gift of renewal. There are levels of knowledge in this world that are beyond that which one would reasonably expect a human being to endure, Q has gone beyond that in his selfless service. We gladly follow you into the rabbit hole and share with you in this greatest of times the work of a nations treasure.



Tireless crowdsource of people willing to give their time and in some cases, dedicate their lives to our future. Defending Free Speech, and refusing to compromise on the principals of what is right and just. POTUS is the perfect warrior to fill the gap, we are the perfect army and together: TRUMP/Q/Anon we are the Trident of Poseidon.


Thank you!

Anonymous ID: 7365d5 April 24, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.1171863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Is your Husbands name Alex Jones? lol

I was pissed to and let people know it, however I never left Q/POTUS.

It was a trying time for all and I think we lost a lot of people.

However I thank both Q and POTUS for having the courage to do what they felt necessary.

That is what I asked them to be willing to do.

Thank Q, more will be revealed I'm sure.

And thanks for your post, it is awesome and why I keep coming back to read these.