Anonymous ID: 74b5b0 April 6, 2018, 7:01 a.m. No.918749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the beginning of the 2016 election season, I knew at least one thing…that for the sake of our country, she couldn’t win. So, at first, I backed Bernie. He did a good job fooling a lot of people, myself included. Throughout the primaries, the rigging was so rampant and noticeable that it was obvious that the nomination was being stolen. After the Democratic National Convention, I threw my support behind Jill Stein for a very short amount of time, until I realized that my state was going to be a swing state.


Admittedly, I hadn’t followed much of Donald Trump, unless I saw something on the news or I saw him in a republican debate; I watched all of them. I found it hilarious how he was beating up the establishment politicians and they just couldn’t handle him, they had no idea what to do! It was quite refreshing lol. As the election drew nearer, I started watching more of Trumps rallies and hearing more of his speeches. I learned that he wanted to demolish the TPP, set term limits to congress (something I have wanted for years) and get rid of the disaster that was Obamacare. Even though I was still unsure of a few things, I figured I’d give him a chance. He was our best hope to keep her out of the White House.


Boy am I not disappointed with my vote whatsoever! POTUS has met and exceeded all expectations and all while under such immense pressure! What a phenomenal first year, I am truly proud to call you, Mr. Trump, My President! THANK YOU!


I often lurk on 4chan /pol for the latest news and what is happening around the world and at the end of October 2017, I saw the arrival of the Q team. This was unlike any other leaker or informant that had come to 4chan, so I knew it was something special. I have been following/lurking since then in awe. I’m not much of a sleuth, but I share the information that is discovered with friends and loved ones whenever I have the chance, I don’t care if they think I’m nuts, we see the proof that this isn’t all B.S. repeatedly.


THANK YOU, Q TEAM! Thank you for involving this community in the fight to take down the evil actors plaguing this world. I’ve never been fit for military service, so you have my sincerest, heartfelt gratitude for giving me the opportunity to still serve my country!


A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY! All of the brave men and women who are risking their lives to take our country back, may God protect and hold you close as you face the pure evils of this world!


And last, but not least, THANK YOU to all of you wonderfully intelligent Anons, You amaze me everyday!


Cannot wait to see what the rest of 2018 has in store, DOWN SHE GOES!