Anonymous ID: ac9fbf March 30, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.840874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dutch lurker here. Just want to say I've been a truthseeker for some 5 years now but the last couple of months really was a rollercoaster. I thought I had already seen most of the rabbit hole, boy was I wrong.


I have major respect for Donald Trump and his family.

I grew up, like every European, looking at the United States of America as a wonderfull country with great culture and beautiful people with a great sense of humor.

They saved us in WW2 so everyone has a special place in their heart for Americans, especially my grandparents who are no longer here.


But then I learned some ugly truths about them. I was 21 when WTC got hit by "planes" I cried and was pissed at Muslims for many years. I stopped being pissed at all Muslims when I learned what all truthseekers learned about 911. That is was setup by evil psychopaths wearing 5000 dollar suits instead of cavemen from the Middle East.


To make a long story short, for years I blamed America for the millions of deaths and destruction in the Middle East but now I know (even before Q) the US was hijacked by a banking cartel for at least a hundred years.


Trump and Q made me love America again, I wish nothing more than to visit your wonderfull country for the first time with my family. Free from corruption and with a beautiful big wall down south.


Thanks for all your efforts and love Q, Trump, Military and the brilliant anons.

So glad you're all on our side.


A proud anon from The Netherlands

Anonymous ID: ac9fbf April 7, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.941866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just wanted to say how deeply I respect everyone involved in this battle against darkness. The horrific details we keep learning each day,

I've cried a lot lately, I'm a dad with two little girls who made me a much better person. That's what kids do, they make the World better. I would give my life for them in an instant just like any dad would do.


It's tough reading about all the horrors and I'm glad I have people to talk to about all this stuff, my wife not included. She's awake but I don't want to share the horrible details yet.


I hope someday we get to know the Q team, people who I've thought about often lately. But most of all, I hope you can all find peace very soon.

I wish you, all anons, POTUS and family and your great military strength and wisdom!


Anon from the Netherlands