Anonymous ID: c2c941 Hillary In Cuffs March 29, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.836261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6780 >>8191

Can you help us out here? Through the weeks and months, we out here across this GREAT country, have many questions that don't seem to get answered. Needless to say, many are calling your bluff and calling you a fake. Now, you have made some +points, however there is still much doubt that lingers. As time ticks away, the 2-tier justice system is alive and well, unfortunate for us - the plebes. HRC, the Podestas, Hussein, HA, ES, @Snowden, Kristine Marcy, @Jack, the Bush family and so many more(too many to name) all roam free with fortunes to spend and gaining more by the day. The point: 'SOON', 'TRUST THE PLAN', 'A WEEK TO REMEMBER', 'BOOM', and 'Enjoy the show' (etc.) are not leading anywhere. The links are common knowledge to many. Thanks anyway. We want Hillary in hand cuffs and Hussein hanging in a noose (or both hanging in a noose) - nothing less. We'd all be 'treated' to swift justice, while they are not. The delays, excuses & ignoring the evidence has gotten very old. So, where is the HRC video? Where are the arrests? Why haven't the pedo rings and satanic rituals been exposed? Why not let the MI arrest and publicly expose the fraudsters for all to see? POTUS would be spared the daggers. Why not produce Snowden and Assange? The time has come. We are hopeful. We don't know what the plan is, so it is difficult to trust. WHAT IS THE PLAN? The clock is ticking…so we're told.